Alex O’loughlin Online- Act Two – the first truly interactive Alex O’loughlin fan site

Alex O’loughlin Online, Act Two will be the first truly interactive Alex O’loughlin fan site. (we hope)

When deciding to take this site over after the previous owner had decided to let it go a few of us discussed what was the best way to revive it and based on having very little time ourselves, how to make it thrive.

There are plenty of sites and Facebook pages that only allow their administrators to post pics, updates, reviews, videos, news, information, etc. and we did not want to be just another one of those.

So, we decided to make it a community type site where EVERYONE can post information and news, etc., about Alex and his projects; past and present. There is a broad range of fan participation online already encompassing many different personalities and opinions so we thought why not try to bring some of that flare here.

alex o'loughlin excited

Have you ever wanted to write an episode review, post a fan pic, share a detailed opinion of a recent event, share your story of your own Alex encounter, write a poem or some sort of Alex creative, etc… but did not have the time or know how to run your own site? Now you can and you don’t have to worry about getting visitors to read it, we will take care of that over time.

With that being said, to avoid chaos and any intent to spam, the admin will have to approve your posts and first time comments. That does not mean we have to agree with it, we just need to approve it. To be approved, all posts must follow these guidelines:

  • Keep it clean and use appropriate language
  • Be respectful to Alex and those involved
  • You must have the right to post a picture or video, so it has to be owned by you or given proper credit to the actual owner
  • Include your full name
  • No sales posts


Do the above and your posts will be approved and shared with ALL.

Since it seemed a shame to let one of the oldest Alex fan sites with such rich history vanish, we took this on so we appreciate what you can do to help. Realizing that most of the visitors have gone elsewhere to get their Alex rush, this is an experiment we hope works. If you are still here, please help us out and spread the word. We will do our best to make this a fun, informative, fair, respectful community for Alex O’Loughlin fans worldwide. Let’s ROLL.


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6 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. The owner of the aolintensestudy account above always posts what is fact as is in their latest post. So I’m curious about your statement, “based on where this conversation will probably go . . .” Since everything was factual. So why should it be in the rumor gossip section?

    I understand the need to make sure people are legit, but running people away like Lizzie leaves me concerned, although I do look forward to you keeping this website current, fresh and up-to-date. Welcome.

    1. It has nothing to do with the intense study website as that is a very good site and we have even linked to it in some areas. It had to do with the actual poster and the typical comments that she has made and in this past and in what area. Based on history she was referring to Alex and Malia at the fashion show which was held that week; thus our comment and request to move the thread and (where it was headed)

      As for Lizzie, after reading through the comments, she has “left the site for good” at least two other times which had nothing to do with us so do not be too concerned.

      Hope that clarifies, otherwise email us and we can discuss further.

      Also based on how you took our comment, we will edit it slightly so no one else will do the same. Thanks for pointing that out.

      1. Thanks for the answer.

      2. I dont understand what you said over the link I posted

  2. Based on where this conversation will probably go on this site, please move it to the Rumor Mill- thank you.

  3. Hi everyone. I dont know if this is the section where what I am about to post belongs to or it belogs to the other section called Älex Rumor Mill” so I will post it here

    This is the latest on Alex from the past weekend.

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