Alex O’Loughlin Weekly Wrap Up- Week of August 21 2017


It sure has been a very busy few weeks of Alex pics since they started filming back in July, but that all stopped this week when it went dry. Since they were shooting the Halloween episode this past week and the majority of the filming seemed to be at night, there was little activity. There was also nothing from the birthday celebrations if there were any.  

Although disappointing, there were a few things that popped up from the slow week and here they are.



This shot of Alex and Thor was probably the highlight of the week. The only explanation as to why Thor might be looking away from Alex is he is male, but do not let that fool you, he was pleased to meet McGarrett.

Alex O'Loughlin and dog




The next few shots came from the week prior but it was after the wrap up came out so we will include them in this one.


Alex O'Loughlin Behind the Scenes




Alex O'Loughlin Behind the Scenes


Alex O'Loughlin Behind the Scenes




Notable: There are some pics of Scott, Chi, Meaghan, and Beulah on our FB page here. Alex had the day off but there are some shots of all the others that were taken at both locations Friday that you might want to check out


That is it, so as you see we were not kidding about it becoming dry. Hopefully as they start to shoot 8.06 there will be more sightings during the day and more public areas. Reminder, we are regularly adding new-old pics to the Facebook Album we set up for those, so that might provide you some new Alex stuff to look at, even if it is old.

Have a great week!






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