Another episode went down last night and this one was again an epic moment from Alex. He penned the story line and as most fans know, he will always give his 100% with anything he does. This was no exception. It was an interesting, suspenseful, story and along with the B story of the night it made up for a good 42 minutes of television. Much thanks to Mimsy, who is never short on words, and along with the many episode pics, you can see how things unraveled below.
It begins at Steve’s house who is BBQ’ing when Noelani brings Eddie back from a day out. Steve says that he never realized what a fan of dogs she is and she goes on and on about how huge a fan of dogs she is. Steve can tell she’s stretching the truth and she finally owns up to how there’s this really cute guy that she sees most days before work at the café that she overhears him talking to the barista about his rescue dogs and she needed an “in”. Steve calls Eddie her wing-man and asks if it worked. She tells him that she and the guy are having drinks later that day. BOOM!
Noelani leaves to get ready for work and Junior arrives mentioning how he had just ran into her and it looked like she was in a good mood. Junior himself is in a good mood and not even Steve telling him that had he been another five minutes, he most likely would have lost his steak to Eddie, could ruin it. He informs Steve that he lost all track of time due to having been looking at apartments. He shows Steve some pictures of a one bedroom that he’s thinking of trying to get.
Steve’s demeanor takes a step sideways saying that he didn’t realize that Junior was going to move out. Junior tells him that he still has to apply for it so it’s no guarantee that he’s even going to get it. Steve lets him know that his house is Junior’s as well. He can stay as long as he’d like. After going back and forth about how having a place of his own would be good for Junior, Steve tells him that he never had a place of his own. Junior sees Steve’s facial expressions and realizes that he’d rather Junior stay with him so Junior decides he is going to continue looking. Steve perks up at that statement and Junior then says he’s going to get a beer for himself and offers to get Steve another while Steve continues to BBQ.
While inside, the doorbell rings and Junior goes to answer it. Steve calls to Junior that the steaks are almost done, but gets no answer. Leaving Eddie at the BBQ with two freshly cooked steaks, Steve goes inside asking if they’d run out of beer but finds no-one there. After looking around, he sees both beer bottles on the table next to the door. He calls Junior’s cell which is sitting right there on the table next to the door.
The wave rolls and the music plays. We are welcomed back with some beautiful Hawaiian scenery and then we see: “Wagner Residence Kahala”. Lou comes in and is met by none other than former art thief, current crime scene cleaner Gerard Hirsch. He happily greets Lou asking how the family is. Lou tells him they are angry and that he had to leave them at the movies when Hirsch’s text came in. Lou asks why he’s there and Hirsch tells him that there’s been a terrible crime. Lou, already in the know, tells Hirsch that the HPD investigates such crimes. Hirsch tells Lou that he’s not talking about the murder, but another crime. He also corrects Lou on how many times the victim, Sherry Wagner had been stabbed. Telling Lou that there was blood everywhere and how it was like The Shining in that house. But thanks to Crime Clean, nobody would be able to tell.
Hirsch brings Lou to a bedroom and shows him two paintings hanging on the wall. Hirsch lets Lou know that they are part of a group of paintings that were stolen back in WWII. Lou wants to know how they ended up in the Wagner house.
At Steve’s house, Noelani and her blind date Monte arrive to meet up with Steve and Tani. Steve apologizes for having interrupted their evening and Monte jokingly responds, “Hey, what’s a first date without an unplanned trip to a total stranger’s house, right?” Steve asks whether or not Noelani thought anything was wrong when she spoke with Junior but she says when they chatted earlier all was fine.
Steve’s phone rings and it’s Junior calling letting him know that a rep from his old SEAL team came to get him, saying that there was no time and that he’s been recalled from the reserves. Steve tells the others that Junior is being deployed, much to Tani’s surprise. Thinking that the call will end there, Steve tells Junior that he appreciates the call, but Junior lets him know that there is something else. He tells Steve that there is a capture mission of a target in Nigeria with the code name, Reaper. Steve removes himself a few steps away from the group quietly telling Junior that he is sharing classified information and questions Junior as to why he is breaking a major military rule by revealing this to Steve.
Junior pleads with Steve to listen to him and tells him that the intel shows that the target’s location has minimal security. That Reaper doesn’t want to be known. There is talk that he may have hostages that could become collateral. He informs Steve that one of them is an American that went missing a year ago while working as a private contractor. Steve is visibly shocked to hear that they think the American may be Joe White. Saying that he knows that both Steve and Joe are close, Junior thought that he should tell him what’s going on. Steve acknowledges Junior and hangs up the phone.
Next At SDVT-1 Command in Pearl City, Steve arrives and right away introduces himself to Commander Park. Junior’s SEAL team commander. Steve tells him that he’s not there to take Junior back, but to join them on their mission because the target may be holding a former Navy SEAL Commander and he wants to bring him home. Commander Park is not happy that classified information has been divulged and wants to know how McGarrett came about this information. Steve immediately responds that when a member of his team is recalled, Steve can’t be blamed for making a couple of calls.
However, Junior comes forward and tells the truth and that he shared the information with Steve. Commander Park tells Junior that had they not been short on manpower, Junior being kicked off of a mission would be the quickest in Navy history. Steve tells the Commander that had it not been for Joe White, he would not be a Navy SEAL today. If Joe is there, he’ll find him. The Commander tells Steve that he’s not going because it’s too personal for him. Steve retreats and gets his gear. However, he tells Commander Park, Junior, and the two other SEALS that he’ll go on his own and that he will be on the next flight out of there right behind them. When they are there, that shadow right behind them will be him, so tell their men not to shoot him.
OF COURSE Steve wins in the end with this passive aggressive move. Commander Park stops him from leaving, but tells him that their mission is Reaper. THAT is their priority. If Joe White is on that compound, as long as he does not compromise their mission, the Commander will get him out of there. Steve is not to forget the priority as those are Commander Park’s orders. What a foreshadow of the outcome.
0400 Hours …. Popping up from the sea of the Nigerian Coast is Junior’s SEAL team and Steve. Using their night vision gear, all five men advance to the beach. Walking through the jungle of the compound, the team keeps in contact with command letting them know of their location. Steve tells Junior that he knows he took a big risk telling Steve everything. He knows that the SEALS are family to Junior. Junior lets him know that five-0 is family too and he knows how important Joe is to Steve. Steve tells him that his life would be very different had Joe not come into it. He says it’s crazy how someone who is not even blood can make such a big impact on you. Junior fully understands that.
FLASHBACK to Afghanistan 2002. Joe White is carrying an injured Steve McGarrett on his back. He places him down and Steve wants to know what happened. Joe tells him how their team started taking fire, how when Joe put his plane down, Steve was still in the air. He saw Steve crash his plane into a tree. Steve asks about backup to which Joe tells him that would be nice, but the comms are useless. Steve asks what’s wrong with his shoulder and Joe lets him know he’s got a through and through gunshot wound. Joe tells him that they have to keep moving, but Steve wants Joe to leave him behind. Joe puts that to rest saying that they have to get up a ridge in order to get a signal to be able to call for backup. Steve tells Joe that there is something very wrong with the man. Ironic, isn’t it?
Present day back in Nigeria …. Steve remembers.
Back in Hawaii, Lou and Tani show up at Kamekona’s shrimp truck to meet a waiting Gerard Hirsch. Upon introductions, Hirsch says how Kono told him that Five-0 “was going to take on some new blood.” Shaking Tani’s hand, he lets her know that he is the CEO of Crime Clean and “on the D/L,” whispering, “Five-0’s top CI.” Going along with him, Tani smiles and whispers back that it’s nice to meet him. Lou immediately questions Hirsch’s honesty with regards to Kono still communicating with Hirsch and gets Hirsch to confess that it is he who is doing the daily texting with minimal response.
Kamekona saunters up bringing Hirsch his plate of shrimp announcing to Tani and Lou that his man Hirsch told him that they might have come up on some stolen art recently. Lou’s expression to Hirsch is not one of happiness that he’s been running his mouth. Lou turns on Hirsch saying that he “was unaware that WE would be discussing an ongoing investigation.” When Kamekona asks why not, Lou tells him that for starters “it’s none of your damn business.” Hirsch surprises Lou by telling him that it actually is Kamekona’s business since he is a “silent partner” in his company. So it “literally IS HIS business.”
Tani explains that what they know is that the victim is Sherry Wagner and that she’s survived by her husband, Kurt. Kurt’s family is from Gunsberg, Germany. This gets Hirsch’s attention hearing that. Tani continues that Kurt’s grandfather immigrated to the US after WWII and that if he was a part of the SS, it’s possible that he sold the paintings while the Nazi’s were looting Europe. Hirsch very happily exclaims, “I knew it!”
Our wonderfully sarcastic former SWAT Captain throws back, “Eh slow your roll there, Sherlock” to Hirsch, letting him know that they’ve also spoken to the FBI Art Theft unit. They warned Five-0 that the paintings could also very well be fake. Hirsch isn’t having that. He proudly lets both Lou and Tani know that he was a “master forger in a previous life. Those paintings are real.” Tani tells him though that they still have to check the paintings.
Kamekona tells them that checking them could bring on a problem. Saying that the second they ask to see them, their boy Kurt will right away get rid of them. Tani agrees and says that they need to pause the art part of the investigation for a bit and focus on who killed Sherry Wagner. Hirsch is convinced that “of course the husband did it.” Kamekona agrees saying that it’s always the spouse. Hirsch then instructs Lou and Tani that they should look into that.
Tani and Lou both play dumb as Tani says, “We should look into him. Why didn’t we think of that?” Lou goes along with her saying that maybe it’s time they switched jobs with Hirsch. Clips of them reversing roles are inserted and thankfully that will never happen in real life. Hirsch likes the idea, but a confused Kamekona tells him that he can’t tell if Lou & Tani are being sarcastic.
It turns out the husband has an alibi. Cell phone records show that he was out of town at the time of his wife’s murder. The husband’s interview with Five-0 will be taking place shortly at the Palace. Kamekona, thinking he can give Lou and Tani a tip or two tells them that interviewing the husband is a good idea. They should ask him if his wife had any enemies, put together a list of potential suspects. Tani plays along and tells him that he’s full of good ideas and she and Lou get up and leave.
Kamekona tells Lou that once they catch the killer, then they all can get back to the art. After Lou and Tani exit, Kamekona tells Hirsch that the two of them need to concentrate on getting back to the Wagner house and test those paintings today. Hirsch is confused and Kamekona explains that if Wagner knows where the art came from and has the cops on him, he’ll get rid of the paintings real quick. Kamekona, ever the entrepreneur, tells Hirsch that if that happens, and those paintings ARE the originals, the owners don’t have a chance to get them back and Crime Clean loses a great PR opportunity. Hirsch now wants to know what their next move is.
Hirsch breaks into the Wagner’s house via one of their bathrooms. He calls Kamekona to let him know that “the eagle has landed”. Kamekona wants to know how long it all will take and Hirsch lets him know not that long. He tells Kamekona that up until the 20th century, painters used lead paint. So if there’s any lead in the paintings, they’ll most likely be the originals. He’s about to begin the x-ray test when there is a door shutting in the distance. Leaving his cell phone on the desk with Kamekona still on the line, Hirsch gathers up his x-ray machine and hides in the closet.
In comes a guy with two bags and sets up his laptop at the desk in the bedroom where Hirsch is hiding and he begins working on it.
Driving along the highway, Lou tells a visibly concerned Tani not to worry. That both Steve and Junior are going to be fine and that this isn’t anything they haven’t done before. They both agree that they’re happy that they have a case in order to distract them from being worried about their Five-0 family members.
Back in Nigeria, the SEALS are slowly moving along. Steve tells Junior that the next apartment he goes to look at, to make sure it’s pet friendly so Steve and Eddie can come and hang. Junior is surprised at the turnaround that Steve made from earlier. Steve tells him that he’ll help Junior look for one when they get back. Two of the team that went ahead lets Steve know that they’ve found something and to come take a look. Junior and Steve go to join them. They come up on two guys who have been deceased for a while. Junior says that they are our guys. Special Forces. The team is met with gunfire.
They return fire and in the battle, Junior asks Steve if these are the guys they’re looking for and Steve lets him know that they’re not. These guys are Nigerian pirates. but they could be the same guys who stripped the deceased Special Forces guys. Steve tells Junior that they need to do something to minimize the gunfire in order to continue to keep their presence to Reaper unknown, otherwise the mission is blown. Junior agrees saying that if they’re going to do something… it needs to be done now.
Steve decides to give himself up. The pirates all come forward and ask where the others are. Steve tells them that they are right behind him and that he will get them. They order him to put his gun down. He puts the machine gun down only to reveal a handgun. He shoots the guy dead he was jawing with as well as taking a shot from him. We then see each of the other pirates taking one shot each from the SEALS as well. Of course Steve was wearing a vest underneath his cammies. The one SEAL pulls the bullet from Steve’s vest and laughs telling him that he is “one crazy frog man”. Steve replies he does not always make the best decisions.
Junior is pulling US military dog tags, knives, and watches, off of the dead pirates. Steve recognizes the sidearm that one of the pirates is wearing attached to his hip. He pulls it out of the holster and upon really looking at it, he tells Junior that it’s Joe White’s gun.
Flashback back to Afghanistan 2002 on top of the ridge, Joe is trying to get a hold of anyone back at the base while a very cold Steve lies injured and bleeding from his wound. Much to Steve’s declined response, Joe removes his jacket and covers Steve to warm him up. Joe asks Steve about Catherine. Tells him that he sees the way that Catherine looks at him and it’s obvious that the feeling is mutual for Steve. He asks Steve what he’s waiting for. Steve responds that Catherine is a Lieutenant, that they’re friends and he doesn’t want to screw that up. Joe mentions that not asking her out would be the screw up. Steve tries to convince Joe to leave him there but of course Joe knocks that idea right off of that ridge telling him that they’re going to stay there for the night. He’s not leaving Steve there as he made a promise to someone. Steve asks to whom, but in typical Joe White fashion, he avoids that question and changes the subject. He hands Steve a pistol and tells him that he’s going to hide Steve while he keeps watch.
Back in Nigeria, Steve and Junior talk about leaving the Special Forces guys there for now, but they’re going to come back for them later on and bring them home.
In the Wagner bedroom, Kurt Wagner is still on his laptop and he receives a phone call. Hirsch, still hiding in the closet trying to stay awake, listens in. A woman is calling Mr. Wagner saying that she’s been trying to reach him all day. Mr. Wagner walks out of the room and Hirsch takes that as his opportunity to get out of there and grab his phone. Unfortunately he’s not that quick and has to hide under the bed when the man returns to the room. Mr. Wagner is confused though when he sees the closet door now open when it wasn’t when he first walked out to take the call. It must not bother him too much as Kurt then kicks back on his bed and turns on the TV as Hirsch texts Kamekona for help letting him know exactly where he’s hiding. The battery is dead not allowing the text to go through.
Back in Nigeria, the SEALS are moving forward in the compound and come upon the buildings where they find men putting together weapons. One of Junior’s team asks what Steve sees and he tells them RPG’s. Junior says that Intel said that it was a breachable compound that had minimal security. His teammate says that it doesn’t look minimal to him and Steve agrees saying that it looks like a suicide mission.
Hirsch, still under Wagner’s bed is awakened by a light being turned on in the bedroom and he sees a pair of women’s legs walking in. Wagner asks her what she’s doing there and that they had said…but she interrupts him and tells him that she had to see him. Hirsch sees her dress fall to the floor and the next thing he knows, he’s underneath the couple taking care of business on the bed. Pretty sure he’d rather be anywhere else at that moment.
In Nigeria, it’s now morning and over the radio, the SEALs are told by command to stand down. Commander Park tells them that they can’t afford the target escaping in a gunfight and that they are outnumbered as it is. They are to hold their positions and get a visual to report back with.
The SEALS discuss how it sounds like they’re not the ones who will be taking out the target. Steve tells them that if Commander Park is about to get authorization for an air strike and the hostages are still inside, they need to get those hostages out of there asap. One of the team reminds him though that their orders are to remain there so as not to risk Reaper running. Steve tells them that he will go in alone and they can secure all of the exits. That way if Reaper happens to run, they can take him out as he tries to escape. Another teammate says that it’s a serious risk for a hostage that they’re not even sure is in there. Steve tells them that there was a time when Joe White could have given up on him and he didn’t. And if he’s in that compound, there’s no way Steve is going to start giving up on him now.
Junior tries to tell Steve that he’s going to need someone to watch his back. And of course Steve shoots that idea down immediately. Junior throws in that today they are not cops, they’re SEALS, so Steve is not his boss there. So he IS going in there with Steve.
At Five-0 Headquarters, Hirsch empties out a bag in front of Lou, Tani and Kamekona onto the smart table, telling Tani that he’s done their job for them. He cracked the case. Kurt Wagner was having an affair and those used bed sheets that Hirsch stripped from the bed were the proof needed, grossing out both Tani and Lou. Kamekona says that what they do know is that it’s obvious that Kurt Wagner killed his wife for another woman and they need to get the DNA off of the sheets in order to find out the woman’s information so they can bring her in. Lou questions what if she’s not in the system, saying that unlike the two of them, not everyone in the world has a criminal record. Tani jumps in and says they can still use the DNA to cross match characteristics to people in Wagner’s life. Hirsch also lets them know that he did the x-ray test when Kurt and his mistress left and the two paintings ARE in fact real. Kamekona says that Lou’s earlier idea of switching jobs wasn’t such a bad idea after all. So Lou tells him to get those “nasty ass sheets down to evidence like a real cop.” Kamekona tells Hirsch that it’s all on him.
In Nigeria at the compound, Junior and Steve begin to take out their enemies one by one as they approach one of the buildings. Steve and Junior enter the building, killing any enemy that gets in their way. They come upon a cell where they see a shackled hostage sleeping, facing the wall. Steve uses Junior’s bolt cutters and breaks into the cell. He slowly moves over, turns the person over, and comes face to face with a very startled and at first somewhat confused fully bearded Joe White.
Steve tells him that they are going to get him out of there and asks him if he can walk. Joe tells him that he thinks so and asks Steve if he can do anything about that shackle on his ankle. Steve removes it and Joe asks if they came with the Navy. Yes and No is Steve’s response. Steve reunites Joe with HIS gun and in an emotional moment, Joe tells him that he knows that he’s supposed to say something brave like he shouldn’t have come for him, but the truth is, he’s damn glad that Steve did.
Steve introduces Joe and Junior and Steve is contacted over the radio by one of the SEALS outside letting him know that the airstrike has been approved. When Joe asks what’s wrong, Steve tells him that there are air missiles inbound as they speak and that that compound is about to become rubble.
In the compound, Steve tells Junior and Lou that the missiles are set to hit in four minutes. But there’s a problem. The guys outside let them know that there are a bunch of rebels gathering at the exits. Steve says that they have to find another way out. Joe informs both men that the compound was built on the side of an old mosque. It had tunnels that lead to burial grounds and he heard one of the guards talking about it one time. Junior says that if they can get underground, there’s a chance that they might survive that blast. Joe says that he doesn’t know how to get down there and Steve decides that they have to find someone who does.
They proceed and find someone who they surprise. Steve tells him to be quiet and then asks if he speaks English. The guy nods his head yes. Explaining to the guy that there are missiles that are going to hit that place in two minutes and if this guy wants to survive, he is going to take the three others to those underground tunnels. He has no choice but to agree and they go.
They find the access to the tunnel and the man they captured goes first. Joe goes down next and holds him at gunpoint. Junior and Steve face gunfire and Junior is finally able to get down the ladder underground. One of the missiles is seen flying in and Steve just gets the covering shut as it hits. The one guy runs off and Steve tries to shoot him, but misses. Junior says that the way the guy went is the only way out and Joe says that he’s going to tell anyone who survived that missile that they are down there. Steve says that anyone out there will be waiting for them on the other side of the door. They have no choice but to move forward and take the chance.
Another Flashback back to 2002, in the daylight, Steve and Joe are moving forward through a jungle. A weakening Steve is struggling. Joe tells him that they’re going to wait where they are and try and fight the enemy off while they wait for the incoming rescue chopper. Steve tells him that they are outnumbered 20-2. They’ll be dead in a few minutes. Joe lets him know that nobody is going to die today. Joe makes Steve promise him two things for when they return home. He asks Catherine out and that he goes and visit’s his dad and he doesn’t want to hear him say no either. That’s how he can pay Joe back for rescuing him. Steve agrees.
In the Nigerian tunnel, Junior apologizes for calling him. Steve tells him not to be sorry as he would have done the same thing. Steve then thanks Junior for showing up on his doorstep seven months earlier. Joe tells them both that they have to get out of there now. Steve says it’s been an honor serving with both of them. And Joe ends the convo. with a little humor when he states, “Moments like this, I like to say, Try not to miss.” Both Junior and Steve fully appreciate that remark in every way. And Steve thanks him “for that pearl of wisdom” as they bust out of the tunnel into the sunlight and gunfire.
Back at Five-0 HQ, Tani is in the blue room with Kurt Wagner’s mistress. She lays it out. Wagner wanted out of his marriage, but it’s going to cost him. He kills his wife and needs an alibi which turns out to be his mistress. But that plot is foiled when her neighbor sees him at her house instead. Lou said that it was a good plan and they never would have figured out the truth had they not caught on to her. But she slipped up the previous night with her “little box spring bongo party.”
Steve enters Joe’s hospital room at a U.S. Military hospital in Germany. Yes, our men were successful in their exit from the tunnel and the compound. As if anyone had any doubts. 🙂 Steve checks up on Joe making sure that he’s alright after everything. Joe thanks Steve for saving him and Steve tells him that Joe probably would have died in that compound. He then brings up the promise that Joe made to keep Steve alive in Afghanistan. Joe tells him that he’s surprised that Steve remembered that considering how out of it Steve was due to his injuries. Come on now, does Joe REALLY believe what he’s saying there? We’re talking about the man who would not get off of his back about Shelburne all of those years.
Steve tells him that he definitely remembered. And then he realized that it was to Doris that Joe had made that promise. Joe told him that even if he hadn’t promised her, he still would never have left him there. Steve then tells him that the very day he got back to the US, he asked Catherine out. Most importantly, he went to see his dad as well. Because of Joe, Steve got to spend some great time with his dad before he was gone. Steve thanked him for that. Saying that more than saving his life, he thanked Joe for making him make that promise to see his dad.
At the Honolulu Int’l airport, Lou is making sure that Hirsch did not forget his ID. Hirsch lets him know that he has his ID, boarding pass and some priceless art. Hirsch tells Lou that he Googled the Wagner family and he found that they appear to have fallen on some hard times. If they can sell a couple of those paintings, it could take care of everything. Lou mentions that if they do that, Hirsch will be responsible for having changed their lives. Hirsch says that’s what they do. They help people. Lou corrects him by telling him that Lou helps people. Hirsch mops up their blood and guts.
Hirsch tells Lou that back when he was into forgery, it was very lucrative, but never satisfying to the soul. But helping out the Wagner’s, that makes him feel good. As Hirsch is leaving, Lou stops him saying how Hirsch did a great job. Had it not been for him, they never would have gotten justice for Sherry Wagner. Now he’s flying back to the mainland to help the family out on his own dime, Lou feels ashamed with himself. Lou tells Hirsch that he’s proud of him and they shake hands. Hirsch goes in for the hug and suggests lunch next week. Lou tells him to calm down and not to get too far ahead of himself.
In Steve’s backyard, we’re back to BBQ’ing more steaks and Eddie once again is begging for his share. Steve tells him that he’s enormous and asks if he gained like nine pounds while he was away. Junior laughs while he’s on the phone with Tani who was the one who gave Eddie those extra treats.
Tani, watering Kono and Adam’s plants at their house, jokes about how Adam and Kono might not have any plants to come home to since they didn’t tell her how much water to give them. Junior says that he doesn’t think they’ll be coming back anytime soon and Tani says that she can’t blame them after what Adam’s sister did to him. Tani ends the call due to a beeping smoke detector in the Noshimuri kitchen signifying need for a battery. As she’s searching for them, she opens up a drawer, digs deep in the back, and she sees a handgun there.
Tani recalls the conversation that she and Adam had about his sister and how he feels that sending her to prison would have been letting her off easy. She deserved a lot worse than prison. She can’t help but wonder now if Adam was the one who killed his sister.
The night brought about another solid performance by Alex. We expected no less from him in a story like this and adding to the fact that he came up with the idea, he threw himself into it completely. Beulah and Terry also did a very good job bringing the intensity, emotion, and action of the “A” story alive.
It was really good to see Joe White back as it has been since season 5 that we have seen him. To bring him back this way made sense and it was nice to see a reversal of student/mentor to mentor/student as the episode shared both depictions side to side with the flashbacks that were included from when Joe had to save Steve.
It was also nice to have a little more of their backstory and also to see Steve and Junior bond in different roles. Their mutual respect for one another was not only great to see but at times emotional as was some of the moments between Steve and Joe. We would have liked to have seen Steve confront Joe on some stuff, but maybe another time when he had not been held captive for months might be better.
We have always enjoyed the SEAL episodes and were glad this one was able to top off the season as it comes to a close.
The second story of the night provided the intensity break but the back and forth between stories was too choppy. It was an OK story in itself but unfortunately it cut into the SEAL story way too much.
The highlights of the “B” story were Lou’s expressions and lines which are always a joy to watch with this time being no exception. Chi and Willie Garson, who plays Hirsh, played well off of one another and their time at the end left something to be built on. Kamekona was an interesting addition.
It was so fun to see Eddie in a few scenes, however, it was unfortunate that Danny was missing due to Scott’s contract and schedule.
With all of that being said, we have to rate this one as one of the better episodes of the season and thus will give it a 9.5. Only one more to go and season 8 will come to a close. It does not seem possible that another season is almost in the books.
I just watched the season 8 on Netflix. And they have the last two episodes swapped from what you are saying. The “Russian sub” is episode 24 and ends with Tani having Junior come to. Adam’s house and showing him the gun and how she found it and discussing what to do. Then episode 25, season finale, starts (which I expected to begin with some kind of investigation into Adam and the gun) but instead it begins with the scene of Steve grilling steaks, Junior disappears and the “Military Op” story begins. Then towards the end, Steve is grilling steaks again just as when the episode started, but with Junior there. Then he’s saying how Eddie must have gained weight while he was away and Junior is on the phone with Tani asking her about the dog’s treats while she’s watering plants at Adam’s house and then she goes inside and finds the smoke detector beeping and hangs up with Junior. She looks for a battery and finds the gun in the drawer and flashes back to talking to Adam and the episode ends.
Well, I was confused to say the least. I even went back thru both episodes to see if I missed something, like maybe a ” 3 days ago” or “24 hours prior” type caption or anything to explain it. Which is what led me to a search and finding your site. Why she would just be finding something that she’d already shown to Junior was a mystery and it didn’t make sense. So I don’t know what’s up? Was this some sort of alternate version?? Or what?
Any ideas?
They shot the episodes out of order so their slate said 24 and 25 respectively so Netflix was probably sold it that way. It will probably be fixed but in the meantime yes, the Russian sub was the finale and they are mixed up from the original airings.
Thanks so much for the explanation and for getting back to me so quickly. Very much appreciate it 🙂 I wish I had found your site years ago…
As for the question I had, I was so surprised and couldn’t figure out how a highly rated, top of the line show could have a mistake like that in their show that actually aired. Glad to know what really happened. Thanks again.
That was the best episode that I have ever watched thanks to Alex’s story by credit I’m so proud of him hope to see more of it in season 9.