Moonlight Events in January

moonlight boxed setDon’t forget to mark your 2009 calendars in January. On January 20th the Moonlight Season One Boxed Set will be released. You can preorder it now and it will be delivered the day of. That way you can have a Moonlight party with your gal pals, pop some popcorn and watch Alex, Sophia, and Jason (aka Mick, Beth, and Joseph) in all their glory. Sigh…

Also, on January 23rd the Sci-Fi Network will begin airing repeats of Moonlight and they air every Friday. It will be nice to watch Alex again every Friday night…even if they are not new episodes. Enjoy!

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  1. To all my new friends here, I wish you the Happiest of days, I wish you good health, good fortune, and hope that you have many people in your lives to share these times with you. Let’s all hope for a more prosperous time, let’s pray for our soldiers and their families, not just today, but everyday. Let’s be grateful for the many blessing that we do have and not dwell on what we may not have. Keep your faith strong, no matter what because we can not go through life without hope, in whatever form it takes. And finally, Santa, we’ve all been good so we hope our wish to have Alex back on TV soon will be granted. Happy Holidays everyone. 🙂

  2. TO All Of Us Who Post on AOLO & to Tiffany, our great administrator over this site…

    Wishing for us all to have a Merry Christmas, no matter taht the economy is not at its best…I, myself, can recall sparse Christmases but all that mattered , and still does, is having family or a loved one to share this time with…So I wish you only good love to share…

    And may our New Year have the beginnings & endings in prosperity for us all..

    In the famous words from Dicken’s Tiny Tim:
    “God bless us, one and all”

    This includes all of our cast et al of our beloved late Moonlight , too… We miss you all… Hurry back to our home screens…Alex, can you see this?

    Warm Wishes, Tish/Pat Schau

  3. Hi Moonlight Lovers, I just want to wish everyone a Merrry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. I hope we will soon see Alex in his new project.(Wishful thinking).God Bless. signed Hopeful

  4. My name in of my comments is a link to my site –

  5. Mi, thanks for the info but you did not include the link here to your Site…Can you do that for all of us here at AOLO, so we may all read this news as well…

  6. Wasn’t it June? But yes, her visa would have allowed her to stay in the US much longer. Since ICM is still her US agent I’d assume they are required to forward fanmail. As to my sources I think the Site Information page on my site will explain that.

  7. Where did you find this out Mia? When she was on Craig Fergerson this Fall Sophia said she had a Visa lasting to July of 2009 and seemed happy to be in CA…

    Will any mail sent to the US address be forwarded to the UK address, especially if it also included a Christmas gift for her?

  8. Sophia Myles went back to England mid November (to stay there for the foreseeable future). Even though the US address posted in one of the previous comments is correct it is now almost redundant – seeing as Sophia is staying in the UK, her UK agent is her main representative and is known to efficiently forward her fanmail. And Sophia gave her dog Jackson away to friends this past summer.

  9. I know we are all pressed for time with the Christmas and New Year holidays fast approching… I do, however, hope that once we all get through the festive hustle and bustle that we will all concentrate more fully in persuing our goal to resurrect Moonlight again… Let’s face it this is not going to be accomplished by our just widhing for it and may only get some recognition here by those execs who read on this site… We have to show we WANT AND MEAN DEFINITE BUSINESS even though all of this time has passed since Moonlight had been cancelled…

    This is the time to act, this is when vampire genre is hotly sweeping the world, so it is the time to let CBS or any willing network know we were NOT Actor-centric, as declared by that baffoon female Queen B, but actually loved the Moonlight show, scripts, storylines, sets, whole genre, and how great the actors who played the parts were thought many of whom we had never seen on any screen prior…

    Please re-read the posts above and write down the addresses so you can begin you SNAIL MAILING immediately after Christmas and by the 1st of the new year at the latest…

  10. Yes, we all adore Alex, but just saying that is not enough…Putting too much light on this fact will continue to make execs think we are nothing more than “Actor-centric” as Nina tried to portray Moonlight’s fans…I, myself, think she, herself, is ACTOR-PHOBIC!!! However, it is of the utmost importance that we try to squelch that image that is trying to be displayed about us with such emotional comments about Alex…

    Do not get me wrong, I, too, think he is sexy, appealing and all the other superlatives one can metion, but broacast in writings more of his acting ability that made us notice him…I think that man will one day win an emmy, then an Oscar…

    Mention a great deal about the great storylines of Moonlight and how CBS was dead wrong for cancelling the show & the attractions to the vampire genre still are coming in strong by what is being said and total numbers eeing Twilight… this proves we are NOT actor-centric right there… But do comment that Alex made Mick St John who the character is and that NO Other actor can fill Mick’s shoes or fangs…same goes for Sophia’s Beth, Jason’s Josef, & Shanynn’s Coraline, none of these roles would come forth favorably under the guise of any other actors…

    It is time to strike again while the vampire fangs are still moist and begin again a snail mail writing campaign to resurrect Moonlight with its original cast members…Check out how to go about this and to whom it is important to write in snal mail addresses under the thread (above to click on) called “A New Interview With Alex”, but check all of the newest threads as well

  11. i adore alex,he deserves the very best,the best actor i have ever hs movies and moonlight.

  12. PS: It is very important that all mailing be sent snail mail that gets noticed whereas e-mails are deleted and you are writing to the wind…as I soon found out in writing to such TV networks and would get standard already written replies…

    And to make sure your mail is noticed and gets to the person you are writing to it must be sent Registered with return receipt, and at the very least it must be sent Certified with retrun receipt…

  13. Hey Fellow Alex & Moonlight fans,

    Check out info pertaining to a future Alex appearance this summer in the “Alex in the Volturi” thresd here at AOLO

    AND, check out addresses to write to to resurrect Moonlight again, this time going to heads at Westinghouse, who owns CBS, as well as the Queen B & flunkY, at least that is the way he reacted to last campaign, in NYC Hdqtrs, Les Moonves…

    Now we must also write to these two, besides a head exec at Westinghouse, so we cannot be claimed as avoiding them & it be said that we refuse to honor their positions plus that they knew nothing about this…Yeah, right! And we are actor-centric, right???? More vampire-centric with the glowing success being recorded for Twilight…

  14. Though it is about a week away same Tahnksgiving greetings to you Hope, and everyone that subscribes to AOLO…


    I have not yet seen the commercial of which you speak, Hope, but even without viewing I am certain it had to be Sophia Myles as she starred in Mister Foe… And in regards to “A Farewell to Arms” starring Gary Cooper you were indicating a much earlier version of the Ernest “Papa” Hemmingway novel come to life on the silver screen… Now you have me curious as to who played the female lead actress… well that is why we have google and Wikipedia…

    Don’t forget all to get gift and/or Holiday cards in the mail early, especially to our beloved Alex & Sophia who may be back in their native lands to celebrate Christmas with their respective families…

  15. Hi Guys and Happy Thanksgiving, I saw a commercial of a movie, I think the name was Mister Foe and the girl in the commercial looked like Sophia. Have you seen the commercial? I think the orignal movie “Farewell to Arms” starred Gary Cooper and don’t know the female star and I did not see it.. Keep the comments coming I love them. See Ya. signed hopeful

  16. I am posting, as promised, the addresses I could find for Sophia Myles so Moonlight fans could send her Yuletide Greetings…

    And, I read that has a dog name Jackson, who is now about 19 or 20 months old…So that means she got the dog here in US when it was a mere pup, as I read this article that was dated December, 2007 saying Sophia’s dog, Jackson, could not yet travel… Have no idea as to why since dogs have all of the necessary vaccines by the age of 6 months and, if being neutered, is best to do that procedure no later than 6 months…Maybe airlines will not allow such a young pup to travel as, if a large breed, animals travel in a cargo bay, aka belly, of the plane…It is very cold down there, so maybe there is rule of age and assured health…

    Anyway in U.S write Sophia at this address:

    Sophia Myles
    c/o Dar Rollins
    ICM (International Creative Management)
    10250 Constellation B’lvd
    Los Angeles, CA, 90067

    Many young actors from abroad are affiliated with this ICM, but not sure if they are booking agents or have a hand in being personal managers…

    Sophia’s address in the UK to send mail to her is:

    Sophia Myles
    c/o Christian Hodell
    Fifth Floor,
    66-68 Margaret Street
    London, W1W 8SR,
    United Kingdom

    Now a note that can prove helpful so your mail, if sent to the UK, is not returned…Actually take it to the Post Office here in US and purchase a $2.00 international mailing coupon to mail the envelope… DO NOT SEAL THE ENVELOPE IF you want a returned mail from Sophia or her assistant UNITIL 2nd coupon is enclosed in card…for this you must purchase an additional international coupon and enclose within envelope for UK mail to be responded (total for 2 coupons is $4.00… Remember she may also be heading back to UK to enjoy Christmas with family, so if you want to mail to address here in states, do so by end of November or by latest 1st week in December…

  17. BTW, at this time of year, Ozland is going into summer as most places in the US go into winter,,, The pix that was posted last year, a little after Xmas of Alex and Holly in summery clothes really threw me off, so I checked it out… Ah, wouldn’t it be great, especially for those who must shovel snow throughout the cold months, to be able to enjoy summer here and winter in the land down under???? I checked that out, too, and rentals in Sydney, AU are not cheap…Oh well, we can dream, can’t we???

  18. Hi Penina & all who subscribe here at AOLO,

    I hope that all of Alex’s fans will take the opportunity to write to him themselves… Alex may not always post on his MySpace page, in fact there is the possibility that he may write out something for his assistants to post there, like his updating messages to his fans that he began to have posted last year…

    I do know for a fact that Alex does read all of his personal physical mail sent to his personal manager’s office in Marina Del Rey…They never open his mail, just keep it for him until he comes to pick it up…As the Gal Friday for Andrew Freedman’s office, Dayna told me, “It is against the law for us to open his mail (considered something like tampering with the mail) & we don’t…Alex likes to read his own mail…” So I would like to suggest for us all to write to Alex asap…

    The holidays are upon us, so perhaps we should all send Alex a “Season’s Greetings” card and include a letter telling him why we fear what CBS is attempting to do to him & that, we feel, it is hurting his career… If he does not personally reply to us all, except perhaps sending his fans a pix, he still will get the feeling of how worried his fans are and check more closely into such matter and begin questioning the execs himself…

    Now please do realize that time is of the essence in this matter, especially if we want to send Alex Holiday Greetings cards… Last year, Alex & Holly went back to AU to visit their families for the holidays, actually that is where the famous People’s Choice Awards acceptance tape was filmed when Moonlight won Best New Drama for 2007… It was filmed on or very near Coogie Beach, a resort area on the outskirts of Sydney, NSW, AU, UK…So Alex is probably plainning to go back again this year as well… So mail your letters and cards to him early PLEASE….

    Mr. Alex O’Loughlin
    c/o Andrew Freedman,
    Personal Manager
    20 Ironsides Street,
    Suite 18
    Marina Del Rey, CA, 90292

    And not to take any limelight from Alex here on this site…

    We all have heard by now that Sophia Myles came back to the U.S. and she informed fans, while being interviewed on the Craig Fergursen Show that she has a visa to stay here until July, 2009… Secretly I was hoping that it was for her to be teamed up with Alex again in his new project (the elusive project we have yet to even glimpse news from CBS about)& that is why she came back… However, I have heard of no projects that she, herself, has undertaken since that show with Fergursen in September, I believe… You who, like myself, are still boycotting CBS, can see this video clip of this recent Sophia TV interview on YouTube by googling in her name…

    Anyway, Sophia may also decide to go back to her family in England for the Holidays as well… I am going to attempt to ascertain a U.S. representive for her here and I will try to post it asap… It would be a lovely warm gesture by Moonlight fans to also send Sophia some Holiday Greetings as well…. Somewhere she ahs a agent in London, UK, but this may take until Easter to send Xmas tiding to her… I am certain that the U.S., especially a place like LA, CA (I lived not far from the area years ago) can be both lonely & scary if you are not in a relationship or with family… That is why I am suggesting to add Sophia to your holiday card sending list… Many women fans of Alex’s dote only upon him but Sophia was the other half of the Mick/Beth team that made the show great… I am certain that, if her read this, he have to agree that Sophia, as well as himself, should not be overlooked by Moonlight fans and to let her know we still love her…

    I’ll do some checking, perhaps even call Dayn at Andrew Freedman’s office to ascertain if she knows where to send Sophia’s stateside fan mail… I will post that info asap…

  19. Dear Patricia,
    Can you mention that to Alex? I absolutely agree that CBS is keeping him from being in something so his fans can ‘forget’ about him. As if. I joined his myspace so I can get his letters to all his fans, but I don’t know how to send a message. CBS has given and CBS has taken away. They think they’re deities or something.

  20. Yes, Alex & Sophia would be great duo in that remake…My, you can’t be that old to remember that movie…And no, I do not recall who starred in the original before Rock Hudson & Jennifer Jones…DOES ANYONE???

    I am so upset that we have heard nothing more about the progress of this new project for Alex…Something smells rotten about the whole contract…Am glad that Alex is being paid for his time for the year, but do not like that this is keeping Alex away from the public eyes…Does this sound like what was intended in the first place by CBS or Nina? I still do not feel the woman is running with a full deck…

    Am hoping that ALex’s new booking agent, Nathan Morris, will smell a rat along the way as well & pull Alex out of this before it begins to ruin that talented man’s blossoming career…

    Did you know that filming of an entire motion picture can take place within 3 months, as it did for “Twiight”, which comes put on Nov 21st??? They began filming in May, 2008 & by September, 2008 it was completed and now 2 months later we will enjoy it in theaters… Alex’s contract began evolving in July, 2008, we heard about the signing in later August, but does not mean that it had not been already signed in July… It is now November & sheer nothing to set our hopes into reality… I know, a pilot film must pass muster with the TV execs, and what makes us really believe that it will get any further than that???

    Alex is a wonderful actor, too good for the likes of imbecciles at CBS that wouldn’t know real talent if they tripped over it daily…Just look at the garbage that is showing on that network now… However, I am still feeling as if this was just a way of keeping Alex fans quiet for the time being…

  21. Hi Guys and Pat, I read your last comment about Alex and Sophia being an onscreen romantic team. In the writing to CBS or anyone about Alex and Sophia I would like the writing to mention they would be perfect in a remake of “Farewell to Arms” the 2nd remake which starred Rock Hudson & Jennifer Jones if anyone did not see it try to rent it, you will love it, trust me. See Ya. signed hopeful

  22. At this point I am not certain if CBS really has full rights to Moonlight episodes, think it is more in control of WB & Joel Silver…
    And dear wubby, do you think, that, if CBS tried to keep DVD from ML fans there would not have been actual reprocussions to reverberate around the world & quite possibly a court room…Life is not so peaches & cream as some here try to surmise, entertainment world or not, it is still a business as cut-throat, is not more so, as any other…

    Hopefully writing more letters to the SCI-FI Channel, but even preferably a Bigger Network, like ABC, where the exec producer, Mark Gordon, is located who is actually head above all on the Alex project, to ask that they buy all rights to Moonlight and resume its production at the ABC Studios with our original cast of Alex, Sophia, Jason, & Shannyn, et all…While you are into the writing of these letters please include the request that they also buy Alex’s contract from CBS at the same terms, but with assurance that Alex’s project will materialize post haste as in immediately after all the paperwork completes…

    It would be a wonderful dream to think that Alex’s project was the resurrection of Moonlight. It would even be a better dream that Sophia came back to the US on her new visa, which ends in July, 2009, to be Mick’s Beth again… And, if not rebeirthing that beloved series, which would have ratings soaring with the vampire genre so hot now with Twilight etc, at least a anticipated dream of Sophia and Alex in this new project & series together b/c their chemistry is what sizzles; they should always be a on-screen romantic team…

  23. Hi All – guess the “squeaky wheel” thing actually works! Great news about the Moonlight DVD, especially for those of us who do not have the Sci-Fi channel. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if this so-called “new project” for Alex is actually a renewal for Moonlight!!! We can dream, can’t we? Until then, let’s continue to bombard CBS, in a polite way, by going on to the CBS Feedback comment line and letting them know that we want to see Alex back along with the cast of Moonlight. Since the vampire genre is more popular than ever, maybe TPTB at CBS will reconsider and bring Moonlight back. Who knows – anything is possible. Take care all.

  24. We are all so blessed that someone somwhere in TPTB status loves all us Moonlight fans to give us the DVD’s from Warner and that all our letters and emails to Sci-Fi were not in vain. How wonderful!!!

    Now if CBS would only listen to us and give us a few more seasons of our beloved Moonlight with Alex, Sophia, Jason and the gang our mission would be complete.

    Thans and many thanks to all!!!!!!!!! MOONLIGHT FOREVER!

  25. I think maybe someone of authority or their secreteries may get wind of this thread… Hopefully they will set out reading this and continue to check out all of our threads as well as go on into AOLO’s archieves…

  26. Your letter said it all. If only. I have not been so affected by any show. The program had so much promise and is never far from my thoughts. You are right that the actors would have been happy to keep producing a program that was so universally loved. I don’t know if Nina T had the final say or if she’s the scapegoat, but CBS has a lot to answer for, in breaking our hearts the way they did. I have the Amazon Unbox series, but I’m ordering the DVD to have forever.
    I hope someone with power gets to read your letter.

  27. I will send this notification to all my Moonlight family of friends poste haste…Unfortunately I will miss out as I do not have cable or satellite, that’s why keeping Moonlight on regular basic channels was so important to me as not all on a fixed income can afford the extravagance of such networking through some company offering same…

    I will welcome watching my DVD of the entire Moonlight series, however…

    Thank you SCI-FI for finally answering so many letters for you to bring us Moonlight, but we wanted a second season, and more seasons not re-runs… Hopefully some of your execs can talk some sense into Nina Tassler to bring back the series Moonlight into new production with the smae cast of actors…

    Yes as was pointed out, the actors have gone on to other projects, but this is Hollywood where something tried and true usually comes first…unlike Nina’s beliefs… I am certain all of the acotrs of the Moonlight series, would welcome the chance to work together again in a series they all know their fans loved…Plus it would not be a one-time thing, but a chance for a long time continued show that has already pleased its viewing public worldwide…afterall what the public clamors for should take precedence over some TV execs…

    And I can almost bet there will be more Twilgiht movies planned for out movie theater enjoyment and the fact that this one to debut on November 21st, 2008 has pre-ticket sales skyrocketing…

    Vampire genre is in big time…get a clue CBS…
    or take heed SCI-FI…

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