Alex O’Loughlin as Will Bryant

Well, there is not much to report about Alex these day so I thought I would post a review of one of his older movies.

The movie is called The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant and it is the true story of Mary Bryant, a British woman who was sentenced to 7 years in an Australian penal colony for stealing a bonnet and some food. On the journey she meets Will Bryant (played by Alex) and they become fast friends and allies on this horrendous journey. There is very little food for them, they almost drown when the ship is under storm, and Mary has to give birth to her first baby during the trip.the child of one of her jailers in Britain.

When they get to Australia things look to be bit brighter initially, despite a VERY graphic mass rape scene as men and women prisoners, who were separated during the journey, are now allowed to co-mingle. Mary and Will are allowed to marry and have a ramshackle home to raise Mary’s daughter and their son that soon follows. Since Will is a fisherman he makes an arrangement with the colony admin to catch fish for the whole colony and keep 1/12 of the bounty as payment. Everything is going fairly well until this arrangement collapses as food becomes scarce for everyone and hundreds begin to starve and die or get sick and die. Mary vows to never let that happen to her children so she and Will and a handful of other prisoners plan to make a getaway. Their plan centers upon stealing supplies for the trip that are obtained when Mary takes up with an officer and moves into his quarters to steal away his key as needed. Although heart broken, Will understands that Mary will do whatever she has to do to be free and he supports her. Letting his children starve is not an option for him either.

They pull off their escape and travel 4000 miles on a one heck of a journey to land in Dutch occupied territory. All is well for awhile and they live very comfortably among some great new people until the officer that Mary wronged comes after her AND the man she really loves. Everything goes down hill from there and it is a very tragic story but still very touching. After all she goes through and everything and everyone she loses she is pardoned by the British government. Oh¦I am getting teary thinking of it.

This is a must see movie from a historical aspect and Alex O’loughlin was WONDERFUL in it.

Buy: The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant

Here is a video showing the romance between Will and Mary:

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  1. i love you Alex OLoughlin

  2. I finally watched Mary Bryant last night, of course, it being a Friday when the beloved show Moonlight should have been broadcasting in TV airspace….

    Well, all I can say it is a movie, actually was an Australian miniseries, that is a must see… Alex is absolutely amazing in his role as Will Bryant…it’s a side of him that we have not seen before, especially in something “period” as this movie is… The man is not just handsome, he can make any character he plays come to life so vividly and this is why Alex will be a great success in acting…

    The only item lacking to make the above begin to happen is a starring role in a movie of his own here in America, not just playing as a features character… And the good graces of Someone higher than TPTB to make Moonlight come back with Alex in our homes as Mick every week for many, many seasons to come…

    Definitely buy this DVD, “The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant”, you will be happy that you did…There is something for everyone in the movie (Just like there was some holding interest for all fans with ML of all ages and genders), romance for the ladies, action for the men & adventure for all…

  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    As far as my surgeries, I am hoping my handyman will camp out for the first couple of weeks after I get out of the hospital, plus pick up all the hay I need, with my older SUV/hay wagon, for me so I do not have to lift… I can toss the hay, just worry about having someone do the hauling as I do not think I will do such a thing with stitches… Not my 1st surgeries, so my horses are pretty understanding when Mom can’t play with them in the corral, think they sense when I feel like a boot scraper…

    Oh my, I wonder too if Alex can ride??? Be interesting to find out… He actually grew up in the city of Sydney, but then so was I a city brat before horses came into my life, which was around age 10… I bet neither one of us would mind teaching him how to ride…for that I’d force this body to get back in the saddle again, damaged back or not… Afterall, one day Alex may need such experience for a movie role…Hey, Alex’s B’day is coming up next month, August 24th, might be a gift he is not likely to forget…

    Interesting retirment career, saddle making, was your husband always interested in leatherwork??? Does he make Western or English or both???

    I’m not actually giving up on Moonlight, that’s a never!!! Besides, I feel, Joel Silver is a smart enough man, being in the showbiz for so many years, not to realize he still had a gold mine awaiting to be mined in Moonlight through other avenues, series movies on DVD, special movies of Moonlight on DVD, another try at the old telly networks, not to mention other aspects of marketing like comics, books, etc… It took the original Star Trek a flop in 1969, then brought back in the early 70s to make it a hit that has spanned over 4 decades now… And we all know Moonlight was not a flop, just badly treated by the stupidity of a B word female executive & I will celebrate when the TV show ratings fail miserably at that channel so it jeopardizes her position…

    Just keep your fingers crossed I make through all & get to Australia asap, maybe I will even be fortunate enought to be there when Alex is home visiting and run into him somewhere… Actually, he’d have to pick me up because I’d probably faint first before, the usual forward lady, being able to greet him… I used to know someone there who had come to this country to learn a machinist biz, so he could run their AU operation for them… Hoping I can look him, his wife & his children up while I am there…Kids were just babies when they came to CA from AU for this tutoring…I worked with him for about a year as a machinist, an extra job I took on 20 years ago(yes, I was a workaholic…

    Hope you & your husband have a nice week camping with the horses…

    Your ML Sister, Pat

  4. Hey Pat,
    Good luck with all of your surgeries. Remember to take the full six weeks off when you have the hernia operation. You only get one chance to recover. The trip to Australia sounds great! My daughter went a few years ago and loved it. She went scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. No other place on earth can be as great as that!

    I am leaving again tomorrow night to go camping with my horse. My husband will be joining me this time so that will be nice. Did I tell you he’s a saddlemaker? He has sold saddles all over the USA as well as Australia, England, France, Hawaii, and New Zealand. He’s retired and that keeps him out of trouble. I wonder if Alex rides? Maybe we could send him a saddle if he does.

    Take care. I can’t give up my hope for another season of ML no matter what. I just can’t give up yet. It’s kind of become a quest for me.


  5. Hi Elizabeth,

    I have yet to watch my copy of MB, but do plan on doing so asap, but so many things going on right now am exhausted at end of day…

    Am having final oral surgery too and the full amount of implants needed will also be inserted into my jaw at the same time…

    Then I plan to finally confront that demon hernia on my left side behind the intestines… It is becoming bothersome, so plan to get it corrected asap after I finish with the implants… Want to make sure I space out any surgery involving anesthesia… My handyman will stay here to care for the horses and dogs during that hospital downtime…

    Then after I am completely healed, but will make the arrangments during my recoup, I plan on taking a very needed vacation & will more than likely make a trip outside of the US… almost a 1st for me, if done does not count trips to Canada & Mexico, which are all in some way connected to the US… I am contemplating a visit to Australia, New Zealand & Tahiti, but not via a planned tour group; will be on my own “walkabout” so to speak, so I can plan my own time…Will look into renting a flat for a couple of weeks to a month in Australia since will more than likely spend most time there…

    As for Moonlight, I strongly feel the team over at MLL are on a one way street to doom by their sophomoric attempts to bring back ML… They are again regurgutating the post card concept, all this will do is anger tptb and we, because of MLL, fans will still be considered as either a cult, immature, or “nuttiest Fans, which we already have been annointed as by name…

    Over at MLL they will not even consider a different concept saying this and that or “the Head vamp” this & that or legal counsel this and that… Do not believe they ever consulted an attorney versed in, either, business law or show business knowledge, things would have been handled quite differently if they had… It is so pathetic, as far as I see, over at MLL… Wish we could get the backing of some showbiz celebrity or author or big shot…Someone, do think she is from AU, over a MLL mentioned an author who did take an interest in the campaign… Would like to find out how to contact this author whose name is Tracy Goodwin & see what her concepts in a ML movement sound feasible…

    Found a delightful video clip on YouTube again called “100% Alex O’Loughlin” which was edited by some lady from Italy, believe name Jena… some risque scenes but still so Alex expressive… There is also a clip, but cannot recall who edited it to YouTube that lasts a little over a minute and is an interview of both Alex & Sophia, early on in ML, of Moonlight Behind the Scenes… Thankfully this one still exists as the network that cancelled our show pulled the longer version of same… How petty can that station get??? Why are they in such fear of allowing us to watch these clips or anything to do with ML? Why do we not have a DVD of ML 1st Season yet? Think that unmentionable network is behind that & along with their “female???” head exec!!! Other shows, like October Road, which aired on ABC for just 1 season, already out on DVD… Something very, very smelly about all of this, perhaps that unmentionable station is also the reason ML did not find a new network home, too…

    Yes, it has been hot & muggy here, too, took dogs for an early AM romp after a night of rains & they were tiring more than normal from the heat… Still real sticky outside today…

    Later my ML Sister, Pat

  6. Hi Pat,
    I watched this clip on UTube. It was great. I have not watched the movie.

    I’ve been watching the episodes of ML that I have downloaded and all of them are really great. The writers did an amazing job not only with the plot and the dialog but with the background music, too. I have downloaded some of the songs and I like them a lot. I am so frustrated that I can’t see what happens next! Oh well, we’re still fighting to save our show.

    I went away for the weekend so I could ride. The weather here in CT is hot and muggy. My horse was exhausted yesterday after our ride. I need to give him a few days off and then I’m back on the trail!


  7. I bought it from amazon, along with Feed (Weirder than weird but Alex is great as a psycho), Oyster Farmer ( he was wonderful in this warm story as well, but Oh, that love seen, definitely fully packaged)… Am looking forward to sitting back to watch Mary Bryant when I need not be disturbed to watch in its entirety… Saw the video clips with music on YouTube and melted, needed to get and did!!! Love anything with History anyway & this is a true story… Alex also looks great in Period Costume!!!!

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