Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.03 Na la ‘ilio Recap


With the arrival of Aloha Friday, came the arrival of two new adorable characters, one furrier than the other. It is clear that both will be part of the Ohana going forward and probably very useful to the team. Although Junior could have some upcoming heartbreaking moments, the night belonged to Steve and Eddie, so lets see how it all went down with the recap below.



As our episode begins, we see Eddie, the service dog, waking up and leaving his bed. He goes and wakes up his partner Agent Lazio of the DEA. You can see Eddie obviously is connected to Lazio and vice a versa.  


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They are “partners” in the DEA and are working a case that morning which brings them to a confrontation with the bad guys. Agent Lazio is shot and killed and as Eddie goes after the guy that did it, he is sadly shot as well. Not sure which one was worse to watch as both brought tears to the eyes.


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Next we see Steve drinking his butter coffee when the doorbell rings. He never knows who to expect when that happens, but this time he opens the door to a young Navy SEAL named Junior Reigns. He is fresh out of service and has come to Steve to find a job. It seems as if Steve’s old dive partner, Lang, has spoken highly of Steve and Five-0, and Junior wants to join the team. Steve is very nice about it but tells Junior that he’s just not hiring right now. He offers to make some calls for him for other jobs but Junior tells him he only wants to work for him, thanks him, and leaves.


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The next scene is of Steve and Danny on their way to the scene of the DEA confrontation from earlier. While en route, they have their first cargument regarding the restaurant and shipping bottled water from New Jersey to Hawaii for cooking the pizza. Steve doesn’t agree because of the cost and Danny thinks it’s the only way to go to make true authentic pizza.


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The cargument turns more serious when during the conversation Danny asks Steve if he has heard from Kono. Steve says yes and fills him in on info about the team she is with. They are busting one house after another and doing well. She has even gotten Chin’s task force involved in the west coast area. Danny tells Steve that he really misses both of them and Steve agrees.


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Next we see Duke filling Steve and Danny in on the DEA crime scene. He says that the shooters all got away and their product, coke, was flooding the streets. Duke informs them that Agent Lazio was killed and a service dog named Eddie is unaccounted for. Steve suddenly goes past the police line to look for Eddie. Seeing a trail of blood, Steve follows it to a container where he finds Eddie with blood all over him. The container was also not where we witnessed Eddie being shot in the confrontation so maybe he was dragged there to hide him making conditions worse. In another tear provoking scene, Steve comforts Eddie as he yells for paramedics for help.


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Next we see Eddie on a stretcher with Steve comforting him while the EMTs are tending to them. He is soon whisked off for surgery and Steve is concerned.


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DEA Agent Reid tells Steve and Danny that Eddie has been with their team for three years now and before that he was a military dog in Afghanistan. They discuss that since the shooters all got away and no drugs were found, it looks like an ambush occurred from some bad information that was given to them. Steve tells Agent Reid to get their informant on the phone.


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Now back at HQ, Jerry is filling Steve and Lou in on how the stats on current drug busts and OD cases are spiking every six weeks. Agent Lazio must have noticed this and determined that a new shipment must be hitting the island. Steve tells them that Danny and Tani are at the port helping DEA conduct a search. Before leaving, Steve asks Jerry to check on Eddie’s condition.


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Next we see Eddie being operated on and the bullet removed as Jerry watches. The nurse asks for a signature on some forms from the owner, which Jerry solemnly responds would not be possible. Jerry gives her his card to contact him with updates and leaves concerned.


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Switching gears, Steve and Lou are now at what appears to be a children’s soccer game where Lou questions Steve on his information on the drug informant as she doesn’t look like what’s he’s used to seeing. The exchange of looks between Steve and Lou are hilarious and is welcomed at the time.


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Steve and Lou sit with Kiana who is  Agent Lazio’s informant. Lazio had helped Kiana get her life back together after she got hooked on drugs. He got her into a program and helped her keep her children in return for Kiana’s help as an informant. She tells Steve and Lou the name of her dealer was Manny and washes dishes at a restaurant.


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Steve and Lou head to the restaurant. While on the way to the restaurant, Danny calls and tells Steve they found no drugs in the containers. They are still checking to see if anything else in any of the containers is missing, as this one they have been checking was probably meant as a distraction.


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Steve and Lou arrive at the restaurant looking for Manny. They find that he didn’t show up for work but that the owner will give them his address. Steve also gets a quick course in the restaurant business and how fast they can fail from the owner. All to which Lou enjoys immensely inclusive of ribbing him on his age, among other things.


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We next see Steve and Lou storm into Manny’s place to find him having convulsions with a needle in his arm. Steve begins CPR while Lou calls for an ambulance. Steve and Lou determine that the overdose was intentional and that Manny was murdered.


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Back on the docks with Danny and Agent Reid, they are still looking for evidence but have still found nothing.


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Switching back to Manny’s place, Noelani confirms that Steve and Lou were right and that Manny was murdered. While there, Jerry calls and tells Steve that Eddie is out of surgery, doing well, and eating which Steve is really happy to hear. He also tells him that the vet pulled foreign blood from Eddie’s mouth and appears that Eddie bit the shooter. The DNA came back with the name of Jesse Berman who has a record of multiple drug charges. They put out an APB on Berman. Jerry sends Danny, Berman’s picture and Tani recognizes him as someone that was just there at the docks and who only left ten minutes ago.


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Now in pursuit is Danny and Tani with DEA and HPD behind them. The drivers begin to shoot at them to which Tani has an answer. While trying to dodge bullets, Tani leans out of the window firing back with precision. After she takes out the ones in the back, Danny pulls up beside the truck. Tani takes the shot; the driver is hit, the truck crashes, and the passenger escapes into the fields in an action packed sequence.


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Everyone searches the fields taking different paths. DEA Agent Reid finds the passenger only to have to shoot him in self-defense, so he says. Back at the truck Tani shows Danny and Reid what was in the truck. They find what appear to be wine bottles, but in reality is liquid cocaine that can be later turned into powder form. The paperwork on the crates of wine is from the restaurant that Steve and Lou had visited which is probably not a coincidence.


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Back at the restaurant Steve and Lou are in with guns drawn. They find the owner is gone leaving one empty safe and a mess behind. It is even clearer now that he is also involved.


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Next we see Jerry at the crime lab watching how liquid cocaine is turned back into powder form. He informs Steve that the net worth came to twenty four million making that the largest drug bust in Hawaii. Still wanting to catch the people responsible for this, the team is discussing the links between the restaurant owner, Berman, and Manny when Lou comes in and asks Steve to come to the window to take a look at something.


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Outside of HQ, Steve and Lou walk up to Junior washing Steve’s truck. According to Lou (and Junior), it needed it. Junior tells Steve he was just trying to thank him for taking time that morning to speak with him. After a pause, Steve tells Junior to meet him there at noon tomorrow. 


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While there, Steve gets a call from Noelani saying that Berman’s autopsy shows he was shot four times; three times from a distance of twenty feet and the fourth shot from less than two feet away. It was close range and through the heart. Armed with this new intel, Steve tells Lou that Berman was executed. So now Steve knows Reid was getting rid of all loose ends.


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We next see Reid entering the evidence quarters of the DEA where he shoots and kills the two agents there and leaves with a truck full of cocaine.


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Moving on, Lou and Steve are at the scene of the empty truck that Reid stole. While discussing where Reid may have taken the drugs to, Steve gets a call from Jerry telling him that financial records show that the restaurant owner has property large enough to make and store the drugs. Jerry also tells him that the size of the place is going to be a problem to locate exactly where they are.


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Now geared up and on the road, we see the team in a SWAT truck and sitting at the end of the row is the newest member, Eddie. As they arrive and disembark we see Eddie is on the job in his bandages. There is no keeping a good dog down, so to speak.


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Out of the truck, Steve gathers everyone around, explains Eddie will find the location, and that the DEA has a tradition of patting the dog’s head for good luck. Everyone is on board with this except Lou who says he is not a dog person and speaks to Eddie calling him Fido as he pokes him on the head and tells him he will have his back if he has his. Steve is the last to pat Eddie and we can see already how attached he’s becoming to him.


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As they go through the buildings, Eddie quickly finds the area and sits. They suit him up with a camera and send him in.


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As Eddie goes in, Steve watches the camera. Eddie finds his target and lies down. The team comes up, takes position, and moves in. The restaurant owner is one of the first shot as the gun battle ensues. Lou misses one of the assailants and is about to be shot when Eddie jumps the guy saving Lou. Reid is also shot through the shoulder and runs off to escape running into a dead end,


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Eddie has followed him. Reid has no ammunition left, which is good for all of our hearts as we do not think anyone can watch Eddie get shot twice in one episode. With nothing but teeth showing and intense growling, Eddie is now after Reid. He knew all along who killed his handler/owner whom he loved and also shot him leaving him for dead. Reid soon finds out that he has no way out as Eddie lunges and attacks receiving his revenge.


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The next scene is of a bloody Reid being wheeled out on a stretcher. Lou is talking to Eddie in an almost baby talk manner as many dog owners tend to do. He is telling him what a good boy he is and refers to himself as Uncle Lou. Tani remarks, “who’s a dog person now” as she walks by.


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There is a short scene of the team being rewarded for the job well done on the largest drug bust in Hawaii. To everyone’s delight, Eddie is right there by Steve”s side.


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We next see the burial of Agent Lazio with all in attendance including Eddie. The camera pans out and Eddie is front and center at Lazio’s grave looking solemn.


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Back at HQ, Steve and Junior walk in to meet Duke. Steve explains to Junior that if he wants to be Five-0 he first has to go to and graduate from the academy. If he does that, Steve will hire him. Duke will get him in and started and that’s the only way that he will have him onboard. Junior agrees with a handshake and says he will not let Steve down.


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Switching to Steve house, he and Danny are in the kitchen where Steve is making himself and Eddie a chicken dinner. Steve tells Danny that Adam came to visit him sharing that Kono’s case became federal and they want her to stick around and see it through to the end. It’s going to be awhile before she’s back and Adam is heading out to see her.


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Steve calls Eddie to come eat but he’s nowhere to be found. After he and Danny search the house completely, Steve tells Danny he thinks he may know where Eddie may be.


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In the final scene, Eddie is at the grave site of Agent Lazio. In another heartwarming scene, Steve walks up to Eddie laying there, sits down beside him, and tells him everything is going to be OK. A new bond is formed. Steve is already in love with this dog and so are we.


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As for rating this one, it was thoroughly enjoyable so we give it a strong 9. It was just as expected and in some ways even better. Hawaii Five 0 was at its best bringing forth emotion and laughter within minutes from one another. The addition of Eddie is one of the best decisions the show has made in a long time and we are glad that the producers accepted Alex’s idea whole-heartedly. Eddie is also a very good actor and the scenes between him and Steve were spot on. It is fun to see new characters and we also look forward to learning more about Junior and the real reason he left the SEALs so early.



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2 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. I absolutely LOVED this episode. Steve and Eddie are just too much cuteness.

    I’m loving the dynamic of the new team so far. Tani/Meaghan is awesome. I really like her character. She’s fitted right in. We haven’t seen much of Junior yet but he seems a real sweetie so far. I don’t like change, and I loved the original 4, but in all honesty I’m not missing Chin and Kono at all so far.

    I can’t wait for the next episode. It’s a shame we won’t get to see Eddie next week though!

    1. Yes we did too and agree Steve and Eddie are adorable!

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