20 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Hi Tiff! Happy Healthy New Year! I thought I did something wrong all these months and here you are. So excited to see your name again! This was the only site I bothered going to and conversing on. Happy New Year to all you Alex and H50er fans! Yeah Tiffany is BACK!

    1. Linda, I am at a loss as to what you thought you did. Frankly I don’t watch H5O anymore (lost interest) so my interest in Alex has dwindled. I only keep this site alive because people still seem to like to chat here. 😉

      1. Hi Tiffany, I am slow in checking my mail. That was so nice of you to comment back. I still enjoy the show and the cast. I do understand though how one can loose some interest. LOL> As for what I thought I might have done wrong? I know I am not computer savvy so a push of the wrong button can do something unknown to me LOL. Thank you for keeping the site for those of us who enjoyed and still enjoy it. :heart:

  2. En enhorabuena despues de tanto tiempo : Es reconfortante volver a recibir noticias del buen Alex,de parte de ti

  3. I was so excited to see Tiffany’s name in my inbox that I forgot to wish everyone the best of the season. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! May you have an abundance of blessings in the New Year. 😀 :heart:

  4. Thx so much Tiffany, glad to hear from you again. Merry Christmas to ALL !! Will always love Alex !!

  5. Tiffany, you are always welcome in my inbox. Thanks for the pics of Alex. Hope the Holidays are good to you and yours. Thanks a million for keeping us updated and working on this web page


  6. Hi Tiff,

    Was so happy to see an Email from you. Hope all is well with you and your family. Hope you all have a great Christmas. Thanks for the picture of Alex and his son. He looks so happy, and hot as ever. Look forward to hearing more from you.


  7. Thanks all! Loved these photos. 🙂 :love:

  8. Glad you are back posting and thanks for keeping up on everything even when RL has gotten in the way. It is not easy to run a site- so much work people do not even see as an admin. Appreciate you and an early Merry Christmas!

  9. Hey Tiffany 🙂
    Great to see your Email
    Awesome father and son pix

  10. Tiffany, so great to hear from you again. Thank you for the pic and for keeping this site open. Happy holidays to you and your family.

  11. Well aloha tiffany! It is so nice to hear from you. Thank you so much for the gorgeous picture, nice to see Alex looking as hot as ever. Keep em coming, all donations will be greatly received! Thanks again tiff, have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year

  12. Thanks …you are very welcome in my in-box….good to hear from you…you’ve been missed!

  13. Wow such a hot dad!!

  14. Great to hear from you, Tiffany! Thanks for the Alex pic! Happy Holidays!

  15. Tiffany, it is great to hear from you! Thank you for staying in touch with us. The Alex photo is terrific as ever. Take care!

  16. Aloha Tiffany!!! I couldn’t believe it when I saw this in my email box. Where have you been??? I haven’t had a notification from you since 2012 but was having trouble getting them at that time. It is SO good to see you again…

    I saw these pictures and Alex is not only looking hotter and sexier than ever but HAPPY. It is amazing to see what family and working out with Egan has done for him. And this photo of him holding Lion…phew!!!!! “Hottie with a baby” …yes indeed 😀 😉 :love: :heart: :heart:

    1. Hi, How are you doing?

      I have moved from central Calif to Colorado. thought I would try some snow for a change. Still unpacking and getting organized. Since Alex and H50 are doing so well in Hawaii, I figured I would not run into him in Hollywood any time soon, so I moved.
      I also retired from the U.S. Treasury, so I am really going to have a different year in 2014.

      Hope you are felling well and everything is good for you.

      1. Hi Glory…so good to see your message. You will be getting an email from me.

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