Hawaii Five-0 1.5 Nalowale Recap

McGarrett is pulled away from his day off and the prospect of spending the day in bed with his lady love, Catherine. Danny is pulled away from his daughter and the mission before them is to find out who killed the young daughter of a US ambassador to the Philippines, who is vacationing in Hawaii with his family. His two daughters went out to see a movie and never returned. The body of one was found floating in the ocean and the other is still missing.

Max the coroner tells them the dead girl had ruffies in her system and upon viewing surveillance systems they see the girls leaving a club with a young man. They track the pond scum down and see him dropping a ruffie in a young woman’s drink. In a hilarious scene, McGarrett and Danno make him drink up and then they interrogate him with an air horn. He admits to drugging the girls and handing them off to a guy named Ken who pays him 5 grand for every drugged girl he delivers. The 5-0 team decides to drop Kono off (who is faking being drugged) at the usual drop location and see if they can find out what is happening to these girls.

The team follows, guns blazing, and they find many young women being held in various rooms in a warehouse, being used as prostitutes. The other sister is not among them though. Kono gets one of the ring leaders to talk and they find it this was a kidnap and ransom and that the parents are brokering a deal with the kidnappers. They trace the money paid for the abduction and discover that it came from political terrorists who are likely after the father. Steve calls in another favor from Catherine and she uses a satellite system to locate the ransom insurance brokers. They watch a video feed of the ransom deal and when the terrorist demands the location of a weapons military shipment, Steve encourages him via earpiece to agree and ask to see his daughter first. When they have a visual on the girl the 5-0 team moves in. A gunfight ensues but Steve goes Mano-a-mano, putting this case to bed.

The episode wraps up with Mary snooping in Steve’s case file stuff from their father and taking photos of it, which will likely cause some problems in the future. At the same time Steve and Cathrine are sipping wine and grilling HUGE ass steaks on the beach. Yum, yum…


– Mary and Catherine running into each other at Steve’s house.

– The classical pianist/coroner

– Danno detecting that Steve had his Barry White going on the night before

– Mary drinking an entire blender of Margaritas

– Danno watching as Steve kneecaps one of the terrorists


Another formulaic yet interesting episode. It was not my fave but it had some really fun moments. I give it 2 out of 4 Barry White songs.

BTW vote for Alex in the TV Guide poll: Who is the Hottest Cop on TV?

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  1. look at the top of this site page…vote for sexiest cop on TV…just click and you will get there. vote for Alex ….he is running behind Stana from Castle..I love her but this definitely sholuld have been divided been guys and gals ..not just “favorite cop” you People meanheads! I have voted for him over and over .

    1. suzanne faith, Just voted again, and again……Thx for letting us know………….Love Alex !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Help, please – I went on the “People’s Choice Awards” site and saw no catagories that had
    anything to do with Hawaii Five-0 – could it be because H5-0 is for the 2010-2011 schedule? Looks like the ballots are all for shows from last year. As far as the vote for the hottest cop on TV, it’s definitely Alex but since the catagory isn’t separated into men and women, it’s hard to tell but Alex is definitely leading in the male catagory, but we know that don’t we! :love:

    1. JoJo….voted many times on both TV guides site & Peoples choice, Thx…..will keep voting every day……LOVE ALEX :heart:

  3. Loved it. But better get voting for Alex Stan Katic from Caste is 52% at the moment Alex 2nd with 27%

  4. Loved everything about it from the start – I think that this is the best show ever! It has it all – from hot hot romance between McGarrett and Kathryn to the one liners from Danno – I loved the “Guns and Ammo Holiday Catalog” bit – I laughed so hard at that one, also love the “Barry White” comment – we have a new meaning for a roll in the sheets – just say ” getting into Barry White” and we’ll knw what it means – So glad that this is FINALLY the hit for ALex that been missing. I can’t wait until next Monday – – WOW!

  5. ok.. just checked as to the “mis-Q” cbs/ hawaii five-0 site. had been reading (“Hawaii Five-0 fri 10/9″.mis-q in question)… and Its again…. “Hawaii Five-0 Mon 10/9”

    feedback does work…

    1. as to at least around here as to showing this next monday’s ep.. its been of like more places.. that of the election time coming up shortly(nov2).. and so as likely thoses ads have been well..
      anyways.. um, the clip for this monday’s ep .. um, clip @ cbs.com. ando’ of by chance as to say shortly right after the clip shows.. that well lets just say that right after.. u got it.. the one that we’re of very much well. posted aboutt.

  6. Loved this entire episode.. Especially the fight scene. They all are such a great team!! Can’t wait til next week!

  7. ok.. update – cbs.com & reading “Hawaii Five-0 fri 10/9”.

    well I just check again.. just to see if as to “hawaii five-o” (cbs.com) had possible changed and/or there was an update of some kind. and um, sorry to say so far nothing.
    its reading instead of Monday, its instead reading friday…, as to “Hawaii Five-0 fri 10/9”.

    lets just say that i did check tvguide.com, their site doesn’t have it , and yet too as well w/ tv networks go.. and too, way things go.. things of well… anyways i did send a feedback to cbs again today… of as to if they’d please well.. something.

    1. still nothing yet since last post.. and yet.. check out .. Hawaii Five-0 pg at cbs.com click on ” Insider Blog”

      check it out!

  8. I’m going to Hawaii soon and would love to see them filming any ideas on where to find them??

  9. Loved the episode. Wish the love scene would of lasted longer. Just love H5O. It seems each week gets better. I will go to The Peoples Choice Awards and vote for H5O and Alex. Can”t wait for next Mon. Love ya Alex, you roc.

  10. Loved the eppy! The hour seems to go by so fast! Like Natalie said, please vote in the People’s Choice Awards but not just for H50 or Alex also write in TBUP for favorite movie. And, any place else where you think it might help Alex. Thanks Tiffany for another great recap!

  11. The show just gets better with every episode. I love the chemistry between Alex anad Scott. Did I miss something, did Scott really hurt his knee? Anyone know where I could get an autograph pic of Alex to add to my ever growing collection? Thanks Tiffany, the site is great!

    1. Scott Caan tore the ACL in his knee cap. He had surgery on it and it takes a while to heal.

  12. Loved this episode. They chemistry between Alex and Scott is awsome. Love the banter back and forth. Action scenes are awsome , but one of my favorite scenes is when they interigate the young man and they use the blow horn, that was laugh out loud funny. Can’t wait til next week, we get some background on kono (grace park). everyone needs to vote for alex he is trailing in the polls for sexiest cop ( to castle of all people) Go Alex!!!

  13. Terrific episode last night! Yes, I’ll also vote for Alex in the People’s Choice Awards. Thanks for the infomation.

  14. The crew was all up and ready last night!!!! Alex’s lady friend I guess has been someone he knew in the Navy obviously. Lucky her…wonder what it feels like to be in bed with him. Sophia on Moonlight said that they had chemistry on screen but were actually “just good mates” in real life…. I can’t imagine a woman being with him all that time and not FALL MADLY IN LOVE… Sophia is engaged now….good for her. I have Googled “CBS COMMENTS” and left comments but didn’t notice they had the wrong time???? Love Castle…record him and watch Alex. I’ll get the DVD of Hawaii Five 0 this season at the end of the season. I love Castle too. not as much as Alex ….and those awful commercials!!! Has anyone noticed they have WAY too many???? Five minutes of show and 10 minutes of selling something, I know it pays for the show but they are getting more and more annoying in almost every TV show lately. Love You Alex !!!!!!

  15. um.. just check CBS.com, and well, as to “Hawaii Five-0″ page… it had come up w/ both wrong day & time…. and so i sent a feedback to them and lets just say they do read their feedbacks from us fans…
    and so…”Don’t Worry” I just re-checked just now & its back to normal…

    other than that.. last nite’s ep.. was for sure another homerun… etc… and then some.. and too maybe throw in a nascar race too for good measure.. o’ and maybe just for fun… a combo spring, summer, fall.. and of course..winter version nor’easter… ok just joking on that part.

    1. don’t mean to get anyone upset and yet just check.. and no joke.. it was back up as to day & time at Cbs.com… again… must be computer goof i hope…

  16. Loved the episode last night, but I was bummed that I missed the first 10 minutes. I have the feeling that I missed the good part. I’m going to have to tape future episodes. I really liked the way Steve looked at the Governor. Any chance of some Cougar action? I just went on People Choice Awards to vote for Alex, I can’t believe that Castle guy is beating him. We all need to step up the voting for Alex!

  17. i saw the show lsat night and loved it and i made my vote i am with all of you guys i love every episode so far cant wait to monday you are right the hour does buy so fast thats way i tape it

  18. Great show tonight. If you love Hawaii Five-0 and Alex, please vote in the People’s Choice Awards – Please Write-in Hawaii Five-0 for Favorite TV Crime Drama and vote for Alex O’Loughlin for Favorite Crime Fighter in the “other” box.

    Vote Here:


    You can vote as many times as you like. You don’t have to go through all categories, you can click and choose. Please vote often!

    1. Yes, go to the PEOPLE’S CHOICE site and vote for Alex and FIVE-O as many times as you can. Obviously it’s not an accurate poll if you can vote multiple times…but, if we can get him, and the show, on there then who cares?
      Obviously, Scott Caan really has injured himself, for real. Anyone know what happened to him?

      1. Scott Caan tore the ACL in his knee cap. He had surgery on it and it takes a while to heal. I had the same injury and you don’t bounce back from it right away.

    2. Natalie… Thx for that link !! Just voted……….LOVE ALEX

  19. Awesome episode but I wish I was Catherine. I just hope Steve realizes how really bad his sister is.

  20. Wasn’t the ME the kid from HEROES? I didn’t watch it, but I’v e seen him in enough magazines and such.
    Loved Steve and Danny interogating the kid, using the air horn to bring him around.
    I totally forgot about “Book ’em, Danno” tonight until he did it.
    “Actually, I don’t mind it this time.”
    I love having some little ‘play’ about the line each week. Keeps it fresh.
    Wonder if Kono is going to wind up with a dog?

    1. I enjoyed the Five-O episode last night and I’m getting interested in the secondary storyline with Mary Ann finding the items their Father tucked away. Since McGarrett is busy with Five-O and cut Mary off pretty fast with her discovery, it could be that Mary Ann will be the catalyst in discovering somethings about their Father’s past first.

      The actor playing the coroner is Masi Oka and he was a regular on “Heroes.”

  21. I though the episode was great. Several funny moments!

  22. No doubt about it …LOVED LOVED LOVED this episode. But then I have loved every one so far. I f Alex is there I’m there. He just blew me away in this one. And PS I voted for him as the sexiest cop in the tv guide poll. Would love to have seen more screen time with him and Catherine. The hour just goes to darn fast. Can’t wait for nex Monday.

  23. Who played the coroner in tonight’s ep? I want to say it’s concert pianist Lang Lang, but I’m not sure. Thanks.

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