Tags: grappling unlimited

Alex O’Loughlin Wrap-Up-Month of May 2018

We are back to wrap up another month of Alex’s hiatus. Even though the show just went into airing hiatus a couple of weeks ago, Alex has now been on filming hiatus for over two months now. The month of May online was all about jiu-jitsu and past behind the scenes action.  In the beginning…

Alex O’Loughlin Weekly Wrap-Up-Week Of January 1 2018

  For the first wrap-up of 2018, we were not expecting too much material but based on some last minute pics of Alex attending his first BJJ class of the year at Grappling Unlimited, we were pleasantly surprised. Along with a couple of other shares of the weekend prior there was enough to actually throw…

Alex O’Loughlin Weekly Wrap Up- Week of Jan 30

  Although it was not much there has finally been some action this past week after a really dry month in January. Alex was on location shooting Wednesday night and although there was not a lot of pics that came from it there was one really sweet one. He also attended belt testing yesterday and…