Tags: Jorge Garcia

Alex O’Loughlin Weekly Wrap-Up-Week of February 19 2018

Alex was busy filming 8.22 this week and there were a few sightings as he and Scott were out and about. Although the week started off slow, it ended with a bang and thus created another great week of Alex happenings to share.  We also decided to add the older ones we discussed last week…

Hawaii Five 0 Episode 7.13 Ua ho’i ka opua i Awalua Recap

  Last night’s episode was a nice tribute to Max and brought about many memories and emotions. It is time for the recap to see it all over again through the eyes of our recapper, Susan Schoppe.     I knew tonight’s episode would be hard to watch, however it was harder than I thought.…

Hawaii Five-0 Episode 7.09 Different Points Of View

  Hawaii Five-0 Episode 7.09 was very good this week and from what we have seen and heard so far it was a favorite among fans. Here is the weekly Different Points of View segment of our site to validate that further. Before we start though, please note someone had commented in a prior review…