Alex O’Loughlin Weekly Wrap-Up- Week Of January 15 2018


Another week has flown by and unfortunately compared to last week the shared action was no where near as robust. Alex did continue to direct and act in episode 8.18 but that came to an end on Wednesday when they began 8.19. There was a couple set visits that occurred and those pics were shared, along with a few other things that provided just enough to do a wrap-up, so here you go.


First from the first set visit, here are the couple of pics that came from their fun day on Monday. Stella who is the one in the first photo said the visit was a surprise for her and she found out the night before. She also told us she got to see him go from the role of director to actor while she was there. She and her friend got the best of both worlds!  Good for them and glad they had a great day!

alex o'loughlin fan photo



alex o'loughlin fan photo



Stella also uploaded part of the call sheet that has Alex listed as the director.

alex o'loughlin director




The second set visit took place on Thursday when one of the long time crew brought some of her friends in to see how all the magic happened. While there, of course they met Alex, and got these couple of pics with him.

alex o'loughlin fan photo

alex o'loughlin fan photo




As we mentioned above, Alex wrapped up his directing job for 8.18 on Wednesday and here is a short clip of that moment. It is nice to see the respect goes both ways between him and the crew.



Credit Tara Macken IG stories


Also on Wednesday, they seemed to be shooting an action scene as you can see here. Alex and Paul are in the photo and it is interesting how they both have their heads down during this behind the scenes moment. Can you tell the difference?

alex o'loughlin behind the scenes



Here is a blast from the past as this fan just opened his IG account on Friday and posted this pic of him and Alex at SOTB 2015 as one of his first posts. He also had many good things to say about him. 

alex o'loughlin fan photo sotb




That was all the excitement for the week so one more down and in the books. This week they will be continuing 8.19. Hopefully Alex has gotten some rest from his double duty.

There is no new episode Friday night as the show will return Feb 2  before they take an expected break for the Olympics. Don’t shoot the messenger as we realized this ourselves about a week ago and had our own reaction to the news but our guess will be they will then return March 2nd and 9th as March Madness will also interrupt. Alex’s episode will be airing on March 30th and we are really looking forward to that one.

Hope your week is full of lots of Aloha. 



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