28 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Alex is a very charming and intelligent man, I can say that has not been said by many other fans, he has a look and a smile that makes any woman say yes to everything that he asks, and that delicious body, God protect him and he is happy. I love Alex

  2. Wonderful pic – Alex definitely looks more comfortable in this role, military “bad ass” than he did as a dashing doctor. It looks like this could be it – third time charm. Thanks Tiffany, again.

  3. He can arrest me anytime 😉

    As handsome as ever xoxo

  4. I also have some very baaaaaad thoughts!!! Thanks again, Tiffany, for posting all the great articles, the H-50 and The Back Up Plan updates and pictures. And Annie, that beach scene of Alex you describe is my computer wallpaper/background. I absolutely love it and it makes me feel great just looking at it. Alex can wear an old burlap sack and he’d still look great. The man cannot take a bad picture!

  5. Wow…can he be more handsome….even with all his clothes on?? I can’t wait to see the beach scenes w/ no shirt on….will never EVER forget the scene from Moonlight when he was walking on the beach w/ jeans and the white shirt all unbuttoned with that gorgous body glistening in the sunlight…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….gotta go, I’m drooling now…with just the thought…lol. Can’t wait for the show and for Back up Plan…

  6. · Edit

    What I wouldn’t do to get arrested by him… Alex looks great all the time all the time!! Can’t wait to see BUP also!

  7. Would I give anything to get pulled over by Alex. Mmmm….he looks awesome in his cargo pants. Can’t wait for the next month for Back Up Plan and for May: the pilot of H5O…Yippy!

  8. Ooohhh!! Alex in cargo pants. He is simply breath-taking here, but shirtless would be so much better. But let’s revel in the reality – there is no such thing as a bad photo of Alex !!!

  9. Officer, Please , beat me ,hurt me, and treat me mean. He is just drop dead gorgeous.
    Lived in Hawaii for 2years. Right off wakiki. That was in the 70’s Looks like alot of changes.
    Are CBS going to try this one in the Fall? Still think it would do better in the Summer, when all the other networks are in re-runs.

    Thanks for all the great up dates and photos too.

    1. As far as I know, it is Fall… we will see what the word coming down the pike is.

  10. WOW!!!! what a body!!! what a man!!! let’s see more tattoo. Can hardly wait for H5O. Also the Back up Plan. Love ya Alex, you roc.

  11. · Edit

    Another beautiful photo of our dear Alex…can’t get enough of this superb actor man. Thanks Tiffany for all your efforts to keep his fans happy. While I was looking at this new photo a promo of the Back Up Plan came on ET and then mention of Alex’s new role in Hawaii 5-0. So good to see Alex being mentioned more and more. Can’t wait for Apr 23rd and the May pilot of H50.

  12. It’s very nice to see him looking happier! Oh, he’s so beautiful, it’s hard to catch my breath!!Thanks, Tiffany! 🙂

  13. I see a little tatoo! I wonder if the network folks will continue to keep those covered up!! I hope not! Also jack Lord always wore suits..I wonder if Alex will be dressed more casual!!!


  15. Ah yes!!! Looks like I’ve got a new Desktop Background Photo!!! Thx Tiffany again!!!

  16. AUGH…I love this man! Make sure you go see Backup Plan!! Let’s support Alex!!! ; )

  17. Certainly one hynk of a man, Still miss Mick St John though.

    1. looks good, Miss his hair, every series it gets shorter 🙂

      1. I do miss the longer hair with that little bit of curl….much more to run your fingers through and I like him a little unshaven…and remember the Fever episode from Moonlight when he’s standing there all wet with his shirt open? with all the water surrounding him I’m sure we’ll get to see him look like that again!….Tiffany – so happy you love Alex as much as we do or we would never get these great photos of our drop-dead gorgeous ALEX!

  18. hi i love that photo of alex he looks to good i hope this one gets to last i cant wait to see it

  19. Oh my !! why has Alex still got his shirt on he should be showing more of his lovely body, What a Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can’t wait for Hawaii Five-o Love you loads Alex keep up the good work !

  20. OMG!!!! What a magnificent site to behold!! The man just owns it and all he’s doing is walking!!!! I’m having heart palpitations here……..

  21. I can’t find anyone anywhere in any site that doesn’t love this man….because he is good inside and (defininitely)! Outside!! If anyone wants to swoon over him some more, listen to some of the beautiful sound videos on U Two that people have made up. Can’t quit listening. Suzanne his Forever Fan Thanks Tiffany, as usual, you make my day sending him to us!

  22. Alex and beach! What a couple!!!
    Now I just need some shirtless pictures… tattoos….humm I LOVE tattoos…well, I love Alex’s tattoos.
    Thank you Hawai!!!!
    Ups, thank you Tiffany.

  23. MMMMMM – What a wonderful dream – I mean picture – to wake up to and getting me going at work. This is one man that totally makes me melt and gives me butterflies.

    Still missing Mick St. John BUT LOVING ALEX EVERYWHERE!!

  24. Arrest me, cuff me and throw away the key!!!!!!!!! Good Golly………Alex is lookiing GREAT!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait for Hawaii Five-O!!!!!!!

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