38 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. i ordered gq from the internet, 19.95, i will have it in a couple of weeks, i also got the in style
    magazine, and subscribed to the honolulu news magazine, he is the finest man on the planet, \
    and takes wonderful pictures. i watch hawaii five o every monday nite, without fail. it is the best
    i lived in hawaii for five years, and i know everyplace they film at. i am in love
    :love: :heart:

  2. I am having problems breathing right now…..and it is nothing to do with my asthma!!!!! :love: :heart: :heart:

  3. OMG! Alex is soooooo hot!!!! I’ve been totally crushing on him since I first watched Moonlight! It’s just very refreshing to see him on Hawaii 5-o. The great thing about Alex is that he’s not just attractive. He’s also a very talented actor! I just love him!!! gosh he is so hot…. whew! 😀 :heart: :heart: :heart:

  4. Hi Tiffany, Thanks so much for those Instyle photos of Alex. He is so hot and sexy. I agree with all these women. From the very first time, I saw him, I was hooked. I can’t express how good I felt when I opened the email from you. It made my day. Thank you. I didn’t even need to leave the house, since I subscrible to Instyle magazine. Thanks again for keeping us all posted with the latest news. Have a great week! Lisa

  5. I just got back from picking up my copy of In Style. Such gorgeous pictures! At Barnes and Noble (in Massachusetts) I was looking at their GQ magazines. They had GQ Itailia, GQ Britain, and GQ India. No GQ Australia!

  6. Thanks Tiffany,going out right now to pick up my copy of InStyle.

  7. Is this issue available yet? Or is it not set to hit stands until April?
    Thanks Tiffany for keeping us all up to date!

  8. · Edit

    I’m still trying to catch my breath….He is absolutely unequalled when it comes to sexy, hot, beautiful, gorgeous, adorable….sorry. Like the rest of you, I just have no control when it comes to Alex O’. A billion thanks Tiffany for making my day end beautifully.

  9. True perfection. I did not know I would ever meet a perfect man till Alex came along. I love the way he always adds a dash of color to what he wears – those Paul Smith socks are fabulous. Remember the flowered shoes? I still love those. They were Paul Smith. Anyway, you can order the mag for $5.95 over the phone from InStyle customer service – or get it at Walmart or wherever. I think it’s one of those “gotta haves” if you collect Alex stuff – and I know we all do. OK, gotta go stare at the pictures a while longer.
    Thanks for always having the newest stuff, Tiffany! 🙂

    1. Uh, I believe Alex is involved with a girl named Amber. Yes, I’m a woman too and I’m also straight. Thank God! :straight: ^_^ :heart:

  10. Why aren’t more of Alex’s fans voting for him for best Alpha Male on TV. I’ve voted multiple times, but he has only 6.7% of the votes. I know he has more fans than that number indicates. It seems we never put him over the top in these polls. VOTE!!!!!Please 😀

  11. I really want to read the article! 🙂

  12. WOW! I can’t decide if I like the “carpenter” look or the “Bond” look–he looks good in anything! (Even in the buff–like in White Out :woot: )

  13. Tiffany, thanks so much for the fabulous photos of Alex!!

  14. Thanks Tiffany for sharing this! Made my day… :love:

  15. Thanks, Tiffany for sharing those great photos, what a perfect gift to find on St. Patricks Day!! Keep them coming!! We can never get enough of looking at Alex!!

  16. Words cannot express that man. He is sexy, cute, adorable and a very real man.
    Couldn’t we clone him for the rest of the women. :love:

  17. alex takes my breath away every time i see him . thank you for the beautifull pic. i love him so much. :love:

  18. There are three pics along with an article in the April issue of In Style. When I saw them, especially the one with him in a suit and wearing striped socks, I literally stopped breathing! I’m guessing there will be more articles like this as his star rises. I am hopelessly in love with this beautiful man!

    1. That found can be found here.. I love it as well!


  19. The thoughts that go through my mind when I look at this gorgeous man! So beyond sexy! He is all I can think about!

  20. Awesome look of Alex! Amazing, gorgeous! Very handsome! Looking at him can really feel his outside and inside look that he has a lot of positive attitudes :love: and a very talented guy. He’s the very BEST of the TOP as always. Wishing him more the best of LUCK!

  21. He’s an Angel ! :heart:

  22. Seems the mags have finally realised what a hunk he is. SO pleased for him that a last he si getting the recognition he so deserves.

  23. There goes my inner Vampire demanding to be fed again – WOW :love:

  24. You’re right Tiffany that is a beauty. The man just gets better and better all the time. He makes me smile just looking at him. Glad he is finally getting all this attention.

  25. YOWSA!! My heart skipped a beat! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Tiffany! :love: :heart:

  26. 👿 👿 👿 OMG.what a sexy man….

  27. HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA……. gotta get a bucket for my drool now…..see you all later…. 🙂

  28. There are no words…
    that is the shot of the year!

  29. Such a great picture! He is just so damn handsome! :love:

  30. OH MY..I HAVE NO WORDS :love: :heart:

  31. Such a sexy, sexy man! Love this photo! Oh my God! Makes my heart due flip-flops and skipping beats.

  32. I’m so happy he is finally being noticed for the talented and handsome person he is!


  34. hi thanks he is very hot just love it

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