Alex O’Loughlin to Take a Short Break from 5-0 for Drug Rehab

Yes, this little tidbit is now being covered by lots of gossip and entertainment sites. TVGuide is claiming that he will miss at least one episode while he gets treatment for a prescription medication problem after a prior shoulder injury during 5-0 filming.

His fans suspected something was amiss and guess we know what it was. We wish him well and hope he takes time to put his health and wellness first and foremost. We certainly want to see Alex on our screens but not the gaunt sickly version we have seen of late. Get better soon!

From the Star Advertiser:

“Alex is taking a short break to receive supervised treatment for prescription pain medication due to a recent shoulder injury,” said a statement from Rachael Wesolowski, one of O’Loughlin’s representatives.

“We respect and support Alex’s decision,” CBS Studios, which produces the series, said in a statement. “Everyone at CBS Television Studios and ‘Hawaii Five-0’ wishes him well and we look forward to his return.”


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76 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Good news H50 is renewed for a 3rd season Excelllent!!

  2. It must also be validating to know H5-0 has officially been renewed for another season. If the network and producers thought he couldn’t handle the pressure, they would have axed the show.

  3. Sorry, I meant “castmates”.

  4. Alex won the TV Crush competition. Yay Alex !! I know it’s a meaningless competition, but I’m still happy. 😀 Alex would be our favourite “crush”, no matter what happened. We need this bit of good news. Also HF-0 has been renewed for a third season !!! Congratulations Alex and HF-0. I hope our Alex is back with his castmated soon. :love: :heart: :love:

  5. Alex has won the TV Crush Competition. I know it’s meaningless, but I’m still happy. :heart:
    He’d be our favourite “crush”, no matter what. Yay Alex !!! :love: :heart: :love:

  6. 👿 Carrie: The E Entertainment comment was last week….he did look good but he always smiles and knowing him , makes light of it. The press as far as I’m concerned it NOT his friend…show biz magazines, etc. give him little to now recognition At lease 5 0 go on the top list in this weeks E Etertainment booklet but this Monday nights’ show is a repeat. Guess I’ll watch the craziness of The Bachelor!! :angel:


    1. Suzanne, first of all we would appreciate it if you would stop YELLING!! That is what you are doing by printing everything in capital letters.

      Secondly, you sound like you are demanding to be told information that is none of our business. When Alex is well again, I am sure an announcement will be made. Until then the best thing we can do is wish him well and keep him in our thoughts and prayers. Oh, and to show our support for him and H5-0 by continuing to watch H5-0 even though they are in reruns in order to keep the ratings up.

      We all would like to know how he is doing, but ultimately, the decision will be his as to how much info he wishes to share (or not to share) with the public. I’m positive if you were in his shoes, you would want your privacy.

      The card has only just been given to his assistant so he may not get it right away. Considering there was also an email address set up for personal messages to Alex, he may be a little over-whelmed by all the good wishes. I understand it is a three week program (at least) so hopefully, we will hear something soon.

  8. It really doesn’t matter what they want to call it. The point is Alex is in rehab and I am glad he is. He has worked very hard to get where he is at and I send my prayers to him for the strength he needs to beat whatever he is going through. I am a fan not a young one but never the less a fan of his. I look forward to that handsome man being back to doing what he loves and feeling good again. I for one am not going anywhere. Someone said the drs. should have some responsibility to prescribing these pain killers. I agree. oxycotin is a killer. Best wishes to you Alex. Prayers are with you. :love:

  9. It breakes my heart to know Alex is hurting, he to me is the best man ever and he is the best actor. Hope you recover quick and get back on your feet. God bless you.
    Love you. Hope

  10. suzanne faith — I missed that on E, was it a current interview or a rerun?

  11. alex i wish you all the very best for a speedy recovery, get plenty of rest and enjoy the hawaiin sun. get well soon my babes. all the very best to you.

  12. I just got the new TV Guide. They didn’t mention him??? He looked pretty good on TV the other night on E Entertainment…hope he gets better quick but doesn’t go too fast once they release him…he admits he’s OCD…He’s gotta realize the body can only take so much. Love to my darling Alex and all the best in a good recovery..can’t imagine you not in that show….and can’t imagine they will give him a “desk job” for a while either!! (little humor there) Love and kisses Suzanne your forever Fan :love: :heart: :heart:

    1. Your totally right !

    2. Wishing Alex a speedy recovery. You have been an inspiration to me ever since I first saw you on H50. I have multiple injuries and painful neuropathy. This year I have finally been able to really start exercising . I know you will come back stronger then before. You have the strength and knowledge to do so. Just take it one day at a time. All your true fans will stand behind you as long as it takes. As I know health is the most important thing in life. With out it you don’t get to really enjoy life.

      Take Care Love ya

  13. If you are truly an Alex fan, stop with all the 20 questions, assumptions and what ifs! I am sure when he gets well, he himself will address his fans. And if you truly know him like you say you do, then you know at this moment he is probably totally overwhelmed, let alone in pain.

    Have FAITH and wish him well. Personally I know he will be fine.

    As one person tweeted yesterday, stop bringing it up. Everytime someone brings it up it gets rehashed all over again. And for God’s sake stop BASHING everyone who does not think like YOU.

    1. Good for you, Niecie. I totally agree with you. The attitudes of some of Alex’s “so-called” fans really irks me. They declare their undying love for him in the good times, and then when something like this happens, the vultures circle waiting to pick his bones clean. Then when he beats this dependency, and I have NO DOUBT he will beat it, they will be gushing their drivel all over again. Makes me sick.

      Right now we need to show our support by continuing to watch H50 whether Alex is on it or not. I am certain Alex will return as soon as he is able. He has given his all to make this show a success and we need to give our all to ensure the ratings don’t drop.

      And personally, I don’t think Alex owes any of us an explanation regarding his current setback. I commend him on having the guts to address the problem now instead of becoming another DEAD statistic.

      1. Hey Muffie, girl I just got blasted by someone on another site for saying basically the same thing, and I went off. People really need to censor what they say. Thank you for understanding me. I love you soooo much for that.

      2. Muffie: Right on, especially the parts about not owing us an explanation and addressing the problem before it becomes fatale.

        By the way, in TV Guide, it lists which shows have been renewed, etc., for the fall. H50 hasn’t been renewed yet (not many have), but it’s in the “likely to” category.

  14. Alex,
    My prayers are with you. Take it slow make sure your ok. Your Health is the most important thing. We all love you and understand if it takes some time to come back to Hawaii 5 O. Get some Physical Therapy for your Shoulder and exercises to strengthen it back and keep it limber. Remember Health first and Always. we as fans will go where you go on what ever show.
    try doing a command center one where you are just in the command center as the head of 5 0 and not running around jumping over cars for a while till you feel stronger.
    we love you Alex stay happy, safe, and out of pain
    always a fan
    Kathie :heart: :love:

  15. Dear Alex….You are only human and my prayers are with you. Take care of your health now so you can prosper in your career. You are a beautiful person. Your fans love you…. :heart:

  16. Alex, as always, is so smart. I have so much respect for him, and I just hate knowing that he has been in pain. I hope he still knows that his fan/friends that have been with him from the start will always be there for him, no matter what. Sending him all my love and support, and I know that he will come back stronger than ever, rocking as always. Alex shines.
    He probably won’t get to see it for a while, but I sent Alex a card and letter and I am sending him a gift. I think it would be nice if everybody sends a card. I just adore Alex so much, I just hate that he has suffered at all! Can’t say it enough – I love Alex. Oh, and BTW – H5-0, even one episode, would be nothing without Alex! But of course we love Alex more than H5-0 – so whatever it takes.

  17. Alex, my prayers are with you. You are a strong man and WILL get thru this problem. We all love you and stand behind you all the way. Get your health back and come back to us soon. Your health is most important above rushing back to the show. We will be there for you when you get back. I have all of your shows and watch them all the time. I will continue to do this until you are back on 5-0.Love you always.

  18. A small article in our newspaper today mentioned that Alex is receiving his treatment in Hawaii, according to a report. I find that somehow, reassuring. Good luck, Alex. :love:

    1. Yes, I read yesterday that Alex is in being treated in an undisclosed Hawaiian facility.

    2. now I read he was in California,were can I read the artical you speak of. Thanks…

      1. Carrie – articles in People, NY Post and several Canadian newspapers. Last time I posted a link here, the post was deleted, so can’t give you anything more exact.

  19. Alex, you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Your health and well-being are the most important things and I wish you all the best in becoming a healthier you.


  21. Whoops sorry I said addiction. I meant dependency on pain medication.

  22. I wish Alex all the luck in the world and hope that he beats this addiction. I had been wondering about his gaunt face and skinny physique lately. Hope he get better very soon.

  23. Sorry to hear about Alexs prob, only beena fan since h50. And usually don’t like drama s because the actors are cheesy but his and the other s.acting have madeit my favorite show and one of the only new shows I watch, so get better soon Alex we all love you!

  24. In my post near the bottom I used the word “addiction”. The official statement reads “supervised treatment for prescription pain medication”. I apologize if anyone was upset by this.
    I can’t stop thinking about this and am so anxious not knowing how long Alex will be away. I hope they will be able to complete the full season, with Alex back to full strength, and healthy again.
    I’m going to pick up my spirits with The Back-up Plan and my favourite Moonlight episodes. :love:

  25. · Edit

    Just want to add my similar wishes and prayers for Alex in this tough time. I too will will be patiently and hopefully awaiting Alex’s return to good health and the ability to be back on the job. God bless you Alex. And sincere thanks to Tiffany for this info.

  26. Wishing you best wishes for a speedy recovery. So sorry to hear about your injury and pain medication problem. Take the time you need to get better and take care of yourself. Your fans love you and will be there for you through it all. 100% fan since Moonlight. Love seeing you every week in 5-0

  27. Alex, please take care of this problem. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. All your fans are behind you and will not abandon you. I was hooked on you the first time I saw you on Moonlight and I have watched every show you have been on since that time. Please take good care of yourself. All my best to you!

  28. :heart: Comment I am so sorry that he has this shoulder injury due to his insistence on doing most of his own stunts. I also know that he has lost weight recently and has been working with a trainer. Maybe all the training added to the injury. Let’s keep him in our prayers for a quick and complete healing from the pain pills. I admire his honesty and his bravery in telling all his fans about this issue. This separates the men from the boys. After having 18 surgeries (including spinal fusions) it is very easy to take those pain pills and escape from the debilitating injury. Luckily, his fellow castmates will stand 100% behind him and encourage him through this difficult process. I will add him to my prayer list. Get well Alex, we’ll still be there watching the show awaiting your return. Take care of yourself and your family.

  29. I wish you the best. It’s very hard being sick or injured. I’ve been fortunate so far. No diseases or injuries. I’m 54. Good luck to you. Enjoy the show very much. I work 2nd shift, so I get home late at night. I DVR everything. Again wish you the best.

  30. Alex, if you can read this… you are the reason i even watch TV. Get well. take care of yourself. Your talent is a gift to the world, and 5-0 would not be the same without you, well..Any of you all. You all make a great cast and a great team. But You ALONE have restored my faith in entertainment and do an amazing job on 5-0. And this is coming from a theatre director/ fellow actress that is a tough critic. Sure There are a lot of pressures in life and in work but health comes first. Please prioritize and put YOU first. the rest will fall in place. It would kill me if you fell prey to the ills of addiction as Whitney Houston and other great entertainers have. I pray your situation is not as severe and I am glad you are taking the necessary steps to better health. YOUR FANS LOVE YOU! I swear I am your biggest fan OF ALL !!! I wish you a speedy and full recovery where you are back in full swing as your wonderful, talented self. God bless you::heart: .

  31. Alex get better soon, all of us 5-O fans wish you the best.
    Come back soon McGarrett! :love:

  32. hey ladies this is a virtual card if you want to sign a Get well card to Alex. Many fans alrayd had signed it. Pass the news

  33. I just have to make an additional comment….last night my friend and I were watching a Moonlight story…can’t believe the difference in how he looks! How could those bonehead producers not notice he was going down hill???? Old dollar signs getting in the way I suppose…disgusting. :bandit: Again, best of luck to our Alex and all the love in the world to make him better..and for lords’ sake TAKE IT EASY HIM!! Love from Suzanne (again ) :heart: :heart:

  34. Awww this is sad. Much love to Alex thru this whole thing we all need him back on Hawaii Five O. We all have went thru ruff times and I have all the faith in the world this will all be fine soon!! Much love and prayers to Alex and the whole crew on hawaii five o!!

  35. · Edit

    Alex ,I wish you all the best and quick recovery!
    I will miss you very much!
    The show will not be the same but we will get through it because we want to see you for a long time !!!
    You are human honey , this comes with the business but at least you stopped before it went any further
    Love you

  36. It was so obvious that things just weren’t right with our Alex…can’t believe those naysayers who kept talking about his active workouts, etc. being the cause. Good grieft, anyone could see the man was going uphill about 100 miles too fast! 😮 We love you Alex, we are so grateful you are getting treatment…God Bless you and we all love you so much Suzanne Your forever Fan :love: :heart:

  37. I hope this link works for everyone. It is a group card that you can leave a message for Alex. Lots have done it already. 😀

    1. Hey Dee I did not read ur message before I post mine about the card link hehehe :

  38. My best for a speedy recovery Alex. I am so happy Alex has done the right thing and is getting help for his problem. I’m sure very soon Alex will be back filming another Hawaii Five-O episode,looking hot as ever and in terrific health. My thoughts are with you Alex,your fans love and adore you very much. :love: :love: :heart:

  39. Alex is such a wonderful & hardworking actor; we his long time fans & newer fans, all wish him a very speedy return to Hawaii Five-O. We love Alex, dearly!

  40. Get will soon Alex!!!!


  42. Please take care of yourself I have been falling you sent you where on the TV show the shield love u very much hope u the nest we well all be here standing by waitfor your return :love: .

  43. So glad to see him stepping up to the plate, admitting there is a problem and seeking the right help. Unfortunately, here in Australia, a large part of the male culture is to just pretend everything is ok. A popular phrase at the moment is “have a cup of concrete and harden the f*** up”

    I am thankful he didn’t let it get too far. What an amazing role model he is being for his son and men everywhere around the world. I wish him a speedy recovery and nothing but the best.

  44. Now we see a man who handles his problems like an adult. We are all vulnerable to things like this and I congratulate Mr. O Loughlin for his being the best of the best. :love:

    1. I agree with you, Rosemary. He is being an adult about this and it makes me proud of him. This could and can and has happened to many of us so none of us should judge but instead be very supportive and then we’ll have Our Guy back, safe and sound and ready to kick butt and thrill us again.

  45. Addiction is a medical issue and Alex is dealing with it in a timely fashion. I’ve been through this myself and pain can take over everything and you’d do anything to make it stop. I can imagine the pressure he was under trying to keep the show going and feeling so miserably. My heart goes out to him and let us circle the wagons around Our Guy and send him white, healing light. He sought help before he became an out of control jerk the way Charlie Sheen did so I am proud of Alex. He’s a good guy with no issues prior to this so I am confident he will be back with us again feeling even stronger. Meanwhile, I can strongly suggest acupuncture as a means of dealing with chroinic pain. You GO, Alex, we love you and support you.

    1. M L: I just read your comment about Charlie Sheen. Very apt observation. Alex didn’t let it get to that point, thank goodness. I’m hoping he has the right people around him to help him through this and to stay healthy after rehab. Severe injury and chronic pain can be a bitch; hopefully, Alex will realize that he can’t, not should he, do it all–leave the stunts to the stunt guys and stay safe!

    2. That was a great comment. Since he is a private man in a very public profession the best thing we can do is support him. Continue to watch the show and send a few prayers his way. I can only imagine what it must be lke to be in the public eye all the time and have to announce to the world what is going on in your life. Yes I know that is why they get paid the big bucks…but it must take a toll on a person after awhile to have to keep up appearences, and always being measured up to other people. I hope that being an actor is worth all he has to give up in order to entertain us weekly. It is really a big sacrifice where everytime you walk out the door you have to be on your guard of someone taking photo’s..or whatever. Anyway I wish him well, and I know in my heart he will succeed. I hope he can have it all, and be happy.

  46. it is a shoulder injury that he did in Season 1, and he’s mentioned it proviously. SO he’ds been in pain for quite a while. WIth his tight schedule, and all the action stuff he does, is it no wonder he gets hurt at times. I am sure the producers/directors forbid him form doing some of the stuff, and we know he’s got a stunt double, but some of the easy stuff accidents happen. Obviously he’s been in pain for quite a while. It is easy for pain medication to become part of the course.He’s recent rather gaunt look can be the result of all th pills.
    I say good on yah Alex for seeking the help he needs. Gerard Bulter recently did the same thing over a work injury. So get well soon Alex. They are filming episode 20 at the moment which looks to be a Max episode, So the leader wil be away sick, it will seem funny without him, but we will live.

  47. I too wish the best. He really need to concentrate on his health now and get better. I did notice he was looking a little gaunt lately, but would not have guessed this to be the reason. I wish the speediest of recoveries and like so many of his fans am so glad he went public instead of just letting it go. Love you Alex, get well soon!!!!!!

  48. Alex has obviously been struggling with this all season. It says something for his determination not to let anyone down by lasting this long, but he has to look after himself now and rest up during hiatus. He has to let the stunt guys take up the slack and concentrate on getting better. It’s all too easy to let this stuff happen. When you’re in pain and need to keep going, you take risks you shouldn’t. I don’t want to see another Heath Ledger happening here, so ease up on yourself, man and let the people you love take care of you.

  49. take the time you need all your fans will be there wenn your back in good health.
    wish you all the best lots of love and greating from

    from Holland (Amsterdam)
    love you :kiss: :sleep: :angel:

  50. Thank you for the update about Alex, Tiffany. Alex, I wish you the best during your healing and recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  51. Wishing you a speedy recovery Alex. Can’t wait for you to get back but get yourself better first.
    I’ll just keep playing re-runs too as I never delete HF0 until the DVD comes out.
    Take care
    Loads of love to you
    Anna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :love: :heart:

  52. I must have read every site regarding this recovery period for Alex. We all will miss your smile and those bedroom eyes-but, Alex take the time to get better and you’ll be back on set in no time. Just let your stunt double do the more intricate stunts. For those with negative comments and I read quite a few–who are you to judge someone of his caliber? No, it wasn’t right for him to depend on pain meds but he no doubt had the livelihood of everyone connected to the show on his mind and felt he could handle this and get through the rigorous filming. I know MANY who would not step up to the plate -admit this and get help. I commend you Alex and wish you a speedy recovery. We, your true loyal fans are behind you !00%!! Get well soon! :kiss:

  53. thank god he is so brave to make the right desicion for himself and for his family and fans. we know how devoted to work he is and how it’s important for him to take his roll seriously but now he needs to put all his energy in healing proccess and tae all the needed time for a full recovery so we cab enjoy him for many more years! :heart:

  54. Alex I know you’ll get better soon! You’re such amd :heart: incredibly strong person and I’m certaim you’ll get through it! I love you!:)

  55. All my prayers … U can do it alex..u managed your can do this..recognition is half the battle. :heart:

  56. i hope alex gets well soon. love to him and his family. :kiss: :love:

  57. This must have been very hard for Alex to go public with–he’s always said his private life is private. Hope he’s back on a healthy track soon. We all love that sultry smile and those “bedroom eyes” :love:

  58. It is so upsetting to see the word “addiction” in a sentence with Alex’s name. I hope this has been a short-term problem and Alex will be well soon. The thought of not having Alex in HF-0, for even just one episode is sad, but he must take whatever time it takes to overcome this problem. Even showing reruns until Alex is back works for me. Your fans love you Alex, and we wish you a speedy recovery. :love: :heart: :love:

  59. Thanks Tiffany for keeping us informed. Now all the speculation can end. His girlfriend did not get him addicted to drugs. Anyone who has suffered from chronic pain is aware of how easy it is to rely on pain killers to keep the agony at bay. I am probably addicted to one of my pain meds but I have no intention of stopping it to find out.

    Alex loves to do his own stunts, as we know, and perhaps he will have to let his double take a more active role in order to prevent additional injury.

    He should be applauded to taking this stance even though it means he will have to miss filming for a while. I would prefer that he take adequate time to gain back his health than to see him rush back to work too soon.

    I wish Alex all the best in his recovery and eagerly await the return of a much healthier Alex. I look forward to seeing the light return to his beautiful eyes and that wonderful smile back on his face. My thoughts and prayers are with him…and all my love too. :heart:

  60. wishing Alex well with all my heart! it must be really hard to admit that you have a problem and even harder to decide to do something about it! with love and best wishes always from xx Adele xx :love:

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