Fan Family Meets Alex

Some lovely fan photos were posted on my Alex O’Loughlin Facebook page early this morning. Nice!

The fan’s name is Yvonne and she traveled from Maui to Oahu to see family and also see if she could find Alex. This is what she had to say:

He has such an awesome & great personality, very good looking, yummy to look at, at all time even just on the picture, but got lucky to meet him & awesome enough to take time to post for a picture not only w/ me (twice) but also w/ my families.

Alex I am glad that you are the Ambassador of the organ donor thing because I am a registered organ donor for a long time now & even trying to encourage not only my families, relatives, friends but also everyone who would listen. I love you for being you & such an awesome person!!

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  1. I knew, it is very impossible to see Alex in person, but I am happy for those fans who can reach out to him. Me, just on my dreams, but still the same, Alex stands out for me.

  2. My luck was with me that night; I was at the right place at the right time. It was a pleasure to meet him in person & such a joker too, who didn’t just melt my heart when I saw him smiling back at me w/ kind words to say… I am glad that He is the Ambassador for the Organ Donor, because we need more people to be an organ donor. I’ve been an organ donor since I can remember & not many think it’s the right thing to do especially growing up w/ families who’s catholic, who doesn’t believe in it. But my explanation is that, this body I have is a gift & I am blessed w/ it but once my spirit/soul leaves this body, it’s no longer mine, so why not give back the gift that is given to you by donating it to those who needs it most. As Alex says you can save 8 people by being an organ donor, but in my part I can save more than eight because I’m not only an organ donor but also a whole body donor; tissues, bones, or whatever they can harvest from it & the left over would be for the Science to study why do cancer form & how can we eradicate it? I don’t want a grave for someone to visit & be sad that I’m gone, I want my love ones to keep me in their heart & memories; by remembering things that I love, like I enjoy cooking, traveling, dancing, being w/ families. Grave is just a sad place to remember someone!!! And I’m also a Bone Marrow donor. May I someday save not only my love ones and friends lives but also yours!

  3. Alex is such a sweetheart – I know how she feels – when you meet Alex in person you fall in love with him even more!

  4. My word he just always looks amazing. Even in just normal pics he looks like a god. And what a lovely genuine smile.

    He is the most gorgeous person.

  5. I’m happy this family had an opportunity to meet Alex. Alex is a special, caring person who has shared his time and commitment with Donate Life. As a tissue recipient and listed organ donor, thank you, Alex for al you do!

  6. hi thanks for the photos lucky family i hope one day i can meet him wish wish

  7. Yes, I to will never be lucky enough to ever meet Alex in person. I love watching him no matter what he is in. Lucky I can get my weekly fix of him on H5O. I was never an organ donor. Never believed in it until I washed Three Rivers. That changed my whole way of thinking. I am now an organ donor and proud of it. Thanks Alex.

  8. Anyone who is fortunate enough to come within his circle is truly blessed. I have never met him, and don’t believe I ever will, but I can sense something so special about him. Each time i observe him in either still shots or film, my heart gets so full. No one else has ever affected me that way. He seems to be a kind, wonderful, caring, thoughtful and all-round gorgeous person. Thank you Alex for being on the planet the same time as I am.

  9. A truly wonderful man. I also would love to meet him, but probably will never happen.

  10. ALEX, you are such a pleasure to watch ! NO matter what it is i’m watching you in. I’M truly not surprised at your popularity .Also the loyalty of your faithful fan”s. . Keep up the good work &
    hopefully we will all be enjoying you in many more roles ,on the big screen !!

    Always a fan>>>>> georgetta R 8) 8) 😀 😀

  11. alex i would give my life to meet you but i know it will never happen so i have to keep watching moonlight and h5o to get my fix. love always. :love:

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