New Alex O’Loughlin Interview

Alex O'Loughlin

Alex was interviewed by TV Guide Magazine this week! I loved the first part of the interview where he declares that his role as Andy Yablonski is every bit as important to him as Mick St. John was… hint, hint. The rabid Moonlight fans who declare they are boycotting Three Rivers (you know who you are) should be ashamed… just say’in…

Also Alex sounds less committed to doing a Moonlight movie… now. He said he thinks it may taint what they already did… hmmm. And Holy Crow! Alex tried out for two roles in True Blood.. Sam and Bill! Damn!! Okay, okay just read the interview… its GOOD!

It’s been two years since CBS pulled the plug on his short-lived cult hit Moonlight, but former vampire detective Alex O’Loughlin will get hearts racing again on the network’s new medical drama, Three Rivers, this fall. caught up with the Aussie actor on the set of Three Rivers in Los Angeles where he spilled secrets about how he spent his summer, his hidden talents and his new show, which premieres October 4.

Will Three Rivers be a hit with Moonlight fans?
Yeah, I hope so. This one is a very important show. I really hope that my fans come with me on this because Andy means as much to me as Mick St. John does. And if everybody comes with me and has a look and gives this a chance, they’ll see why.

What will appeal to them about this show?
Vampires are sexy. From my earliest memory of vampires, they’re sexy, seductive, sensual creatures. We don’t really have that in this show but we have a lot of blood!

And you wear tight scrubs too.
[Laughs] We have tight scrubs. We have wet skin when we scrub in. We make eyes at each other over the operation table. There’s going to be lots of love affairs and stuff like that would happen in a real hospital. It’s going to be really exciting.

You’ve said that you’re a big fan of the vampire genre. Have you been following Twilight and True Blood?
I haven’t been following Twilight. I watch True Blood when I can, but I’ve been very busy. So I’d like to get a box set and watch it that way. I actually went to network for that show.

You did? For what part?
Yeah, at the same time I got Moonlight. I tried out to play Bill, the main vampire, and also Sam the dog.

Do you think things would have gone differently for Moonlight if the show had aired now?
Maybe. But maybe it wouldn’t have got picked up at all because there’s too much vampires. What can you do? Moonlight will always be the best.

Think you’ll ever do a reunion movie?
People have talked about that. I don’t know how realistic it is though. It would take a lot to pull that off, to get everyone back together but it would be cool. My concern would be that we did it justice, because that would then be the last memory of Mick St. John. Even though it’s very, very sad where we left it, we still loved the show and I would hate to think that movie in its finality would kind of taint that image because those characters mean so much.

So are your parents excited that their son is a doctor now?
[Laughs]. A faux doctor! My parents have always been very proud of me. They’ve supported me the whole time. My parents are awesome.

What kind of prep work did you do before you came to set?
Triple bypasses. [Laughs] No. I started with what I had in the script. I started researching all of these diseases of the heart and conditions of the heart and operations that needed to take place and branched off from there. The world of medicine is immense, but also the doctor-patient relationship was very important to me. I worked with a surgeon, and he’s a pure, benevolent person. So that sort of study, the study of him, was as interesting as the study of medicine.

Did you watch any real surgeries?
Yes. I saw a bunch of surgeries.

Be honest, did you ever get queasy?
No. I loved it. The only time I’d get a little queasy is when I smelled the burning flesh. That was like, “Oh, that’s nasty!” But I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I had blood spurting up at me and everything.

On a lighter note, what was it like making the movie The Back-Up Plan with Jennifer Lopez this summer?
Jennifer is the consummate professional and always prepared. She brings a great light and joyous energy to set. She’s never late. All the bull you hear…She was just a pro and rad to work with. She’s funny and we became pals, you know? It was super.

Did you ever have a moment where you thought, “Wow, I’m actually getting paid to make out with J. Lo?”
Yeah. It was more like I was thinking, “Oh my god, I’m kissing Jennifer Lopez!”

Was she a good kisser?
Yeah. [Laughs] No comment.

You don’t want Marc Anthony knocking on your door?
No comment! But it was terrific and I think the film is going to be good. We’ll see. I hope I’m okay in it, but I had a great time.

What else did you do this summer?
I worked. I so need a vacation right now. I’ve been working and working out and trying to stay healthy and cooking my own food. I actually just started this thing with this company that delivers healthy food because I don’t have time to cook anymore.

Are you a good cook?
I’m okay. I barbeque. I grill chicken and fish, and I can make good salads and veggies and make some nice dressings.

So you cook for women you date?
Yeah, for sure! I don’t always cook because I’m busy but I’ve worked in a lot of restaurants and a lot of kitchens so I can conjure stuff up pretty well. I’ve been a waiter. I’ve been a barman. I’ve been a kitchen man. I’ve worked on construction sites. I’ve flipped burgers. I’ve fried chicken.

Did you just say you fried chicken?
I worked at KFC when I was 13 or something. I’ve done some pretty crazy jobs like landscaping, which I really enjoyed. I helped a guy build a house. That was cool.

So you’ve got some mad skills.
Not really. I’m more like one of those jack-of-all-trades, master of nothing. But I’ve always been an inquiring mind. It used to get me in trouble. I’d be like, “Let’s get this power saw and ride the skateboard at the same time and plug it in with a very long extension cord then I’ll wear a helmet and go over that jump.” You get the picture.

Have you given up skateboarding?
Yeah. I’m crazy for motorcycles. I just finished building my first Harley. My last four bikes have been Ducatis and I’ve got a Triumph now.

Any other vices?
That’s my most dangerous vice. I really enjoy the finer things in life. So the idea of a great holiday for me is to go to Europe, go to Paris, eat some great cheese, smoke some great cigars, go to the theater then go on a yacht and sail somewhere else. That’s just heaven for me. In 2016, I think I’ll be able to do that. You don’t get to go away while you’re working. It’s great to be working, but that’s what I’d do. I’d go away, get a bit of sun, sleep.

Sleep is good!
Sleep is good but I’ll sleep when I’m dead.




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24 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Thanx Tiffany, happy to read that Alex will recieve mail from his fans!

  2. I have also the same questions as Jojo and Amber. I sended a card for Alex’s birthday to the old fanadress, Andrew J. Freedman. When I found out that Alex was no longer recieving mail from this adress I was wondering if all the mail that was send to this old adress will send forward to the new ones?! Maybe you can find it out, Tiffany? Hope so… Thanks by the way for all the updates concerning Alex. Youre doing a great job on this website!

    1. Monica my guess is that it will be forwarded. His old personal manager knows where his new handlers are.. I have spoken to them perosonally. I can’t imagine that they would be unprofessional and not foward it.

  3. Tiffany – I have the same question as Amber – which address would be better to make sure that Alex got his mail, etc. I know you’ve said a few times that things addressed to him personally are put aside for him to open himself. Is there a sure fire address where we know he gets everything sent to him? Thanks again for all the hard work you do on this website – you are awesome. 🙂

    1. I am not sure JoJo. He used to have a personal manager but now ICM is handling everything. The second address may be specific to his role in TBUP plan since it says Paramount Studios so perhaps the first is a more generic address, either that or it is the agent handling his Three Rivers stuff. If I find out anything more concrete I will let you know.

  4. Thank you Tiffany! Does it matter which address you use? Would one get to him faster than the other or does it matter! Thank you again for this website that you have created and run!! I dont know how I would get all my Alex info without it! I am just so busy I dont have the time to research everything about him, I could not express to you how appreciative I am that you have put this together!!

  5. · Edit

    I got my copy of Oyster Farmer from Finished watching it tonite (for the 10th time. I love this movie. And this Fri am Aug 7th he’ll be on The Shield again on Spike tv at 3:00 am. Am loving seeing him on all the promo’s on CBS for TR. Can’t wait to get my issue of TV guide Magazine…Fall Preview. I’ve been waiting patiently for a word or a picture in it…and also in People magazine, both of which I subscribe to. This printed issue in TV guide is soooo Alex. But what is missing is the sound of his wonderful voice.

  6. yeah, i was wondering the same thing Amber Everman…where would i send him a birthday card/gift??

    1. These are the two addresses I have for Alex:

      International Creative Management

      Attention: Chris Hart

      10250 Constellation Blvd.

      7th Floor

      Los Angeles, CA, 90067


      Alex’s Agent John Burnham at ICM in Los Angeles

      Paramount Studios
      5555 Melrose Ave
      Cooper Building Ste 205
      Hollywood, CA 90038

  7. how can i do to get OYSTER FARMER movie. I don´t know, can you help me?
    & what about spin off ncis?

  8. I know this is off subject, but Alex has a birthday coming up and I was wondering if I sent him a card where would I send it to?

  9. Am I the only one who took his comments to mean the Alex read a script for a Moonlight movie and didn’t feel it was acceptable?

    1. I guess it is possible but I thought he was just listing all the reasons why he doesn’t think it would work out. This isn’t the first time he has made comments along these lines… that he likes where Moonlight ended and wants to move on to other things.

  10. I get weaht he means. It’s got to have al the old people in, and to get them all together at the same time ,aybe very hard. Also in our hearts we all put something different in the ending. If they didn;t write it like we the fans would like, would we be disappointed, and would it mar teh memory of Mick St John.

    Yes, he’s moved on. He wants us all to support him. But I still think, if it was a good scriopt with no weird and wonderful thigs in it, once he;s done his first season of TR he would be there with bells on.

    I see what he means with all the vamp programmes would Moonlight still do the same heart stirring. I couldn’t imagine Alex as Bill, with that horrible accent, or even Sam turnign into a dog. No he was made for Mick.

  11. Terrific interview!! I hope it will it be published in the printed TV Guide as I just received the one for August 10-23 and don’t see it anywhere. They do have an item about Alfre Woodard joining the cast of Three Rivers and she says ” I heard so much about Alex O’Loughlin, what a lovely man he is, besides being a really good actor.” And it goes on to say that was one of the reasons she signed on. Nice to know he is getting the attention of other “really good actors.”

  12. thank u tiffany is will great interview and alex is very sexys xxxx

  13. The character in Moonlight was named “Mick”, not “Nick”……….

    1. Yes, we know that. It is a typo from their site.

      1. They fixed the typo now. Yikes, Nick and not Mick. Sacrilege.

  14. Once again, Tiffany is at the top of her game – great job, as always. It was a good interview. After reading it, I got the impression that Alex’s total focus is on “Three Rivers” and though he talked fondly about “Moonlight”, it sounded like he has definitely put it behind him. I think he feels that if a movie was done, the outcome of that movie may not be what we all would hope for so it’s best to let it go. He seems very excited about “Three Rivers” and he is asking his fans to come along for the ride. I think it’s going to be a great ride – looking forward to it. 🙂

  15. Thanks Tiffany. Great interview, seems like the same ol’ Alex, sweet as ever.

  16. okay now its working, wow that interview just made me fall in love with him even more…and laugh quit a bit lol. 😛

  17. i tried to read the rest of the interview but it said sorry we couldnt find what you were looking for, or something like that… 🙁

    1. Fixed it Sydney. The top link was working but not the bottom.

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