Photo Stills from Three Rivers Episode 2

Episode 2 – Place of Life – Dr. Andy (Alex O’Loughlin) and the team treat a pregnant woman in need of a heart transplant, however, unexpected complications with the donor’s family place the transplant in jeopardy, on THREE RIVERS, Sunday, Oct 11th (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), on the CBS Television Network.

Dr. Andy delivers a baby! Okay what were the naysayers sayin about how the show is going to be so depressing? Hmmmm…

Thanks CBS for sending me the awesome photos. Click for a larger version.

Three River Episode 2, Alex O'Loughlin delivers a baby

Three River Episode 2, Alex O'Loughlin delivers a baby

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11 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. He is looking at the baby so tenderly. WOw my beating heart

  2. Wow! this show can only get better and better. If I can’t watch Three Rivers in Spain, I’ll watch it online. You’re really lucky, Alex must be really hot as a doctor.

  3. I agree with you guys – let’s hope these were rehearsal pics only and not an actual scene. You’re right, the medical advisor better be on target with detail to accuracy or critics will have a field day, waiting to pounce on every incorrect detail.

  4. Hey Nancy, I noticed the same things. That headlight actually looks to me like loupes which wouldn’t make any more sense. All I can say is I hope they have a good medical advisor on this show because you know all the medical personnel watching will have a field day! I am glad they did away with the tight scrubs. That was a little too much artistic license!

  5. Jamie, I am currently an O.R. nurse! The top photo must be a rehearsal since Dr. Andy does not have his scrub cap, mask, gown & gloves on! I’ve never seen an obstetrician wear a headlight to deliver a baby though, even during a C-section like this! LOL!

  6. Thanks for the photos Tiffany

  7. Love the photos. There will be gladness of delivering a healthy baby, but sadness, I fear, for the mother.

  8. Wow again. Unbelievable how great things are going …I don’t want to wish my life away, but it’s so hard not to want Oct 4th to hurry up and get here now that Sep 11th has come and gone. But I’m wallowing in the good feelings having seen Alex on a giant screen. I hope somehow Tiffany you’ll be able to get videos of Alex throwing out that first pitch Tues nite at hte Dodger game in LA. I don’t think we’ll get a broadcast here in NY of that game. Thanks so much for these awesome photos.

  9. Thanks so much Tiffany for these great pics. Dr. Andy delivering a baby? Super!!

  10. I am really looking forward to this show for a lot of reasons. I am a former surgical technologist and seeing these pictures brought back a lot of memories. Alex is such a natural. He’ll be wonderful in this part. I’m glad he took it.

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