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  1. Cherie and Maria you are so right, if something isn’t broke, don’t try and fix it. i haven’t seen any of season 2 yet, it hasn’t reached the uk but am very excited about it! alex looks gorgeous in his suit. i do hope they don’t change it too much as the partnership between steve and danny is well worth watching every week, the characters seem to bounce off each other to form a brilliant double act…… please listen to us fans! thanks for keeping me updated tiff, all the best to you.

  2. CBS listen to the fans. You didn’t listen when we told you not to cancel Moonlight. Now we are telling you more Kono…drop Officer Lori Weston. We don’t want McGarrett with a permanent love interest…the sexual tension overshadows the script. If you want to bring in a girl for an espisode you can…but thats it. We want a four man team. Also, I saw Steve catch the bad guy on a horse, next week skydiving….He is a trained navy seal I grant you that….but he is not superman….keep him real. I love the show and hope it lasts a long, long time. This is just my opinion.

    1. You don’t speak for all fans.

  3. I think the episode was great..and as always Alex was AWESOME :love: :heart:

  4. I think I´d would like to see Steve showing his emotions and his fears throu a really carefull script that it would be intimate week after week but not seems to me this kind of show..,so..
    I don´t Know…I guess it brings to me just a little entertaiment and it takes a romance too!! But Im not really sure of a newwest I think they have a hard work to make !!!
    Alex is really charming in the 2º episode!!

  5. I thought, from the trailer and photos that, for the latest episdoe, they filmed on Lanai and after viewing last night’s episode, I found out I was right. So cool. I’m so glad they are branching out and actually filming on other islands. Now if I could have just known that and schedule my trips around their shooting schedule!

  6. Havent’ had a chance to view this preview; can’t wait for tonight. Just saw his Criminal Minds episode. And just got notice that my order from library for The Shield is in.

  7. First of all, Kono is too important to lose as a character and Grace is drop-dead grogeous as well as cute as can be. Don’t want to lose her. And I agree with the others, I think with Steve knocking heads with the new governor, I don’t see how they could work as a team with someone placed in their midst. And, I don’t watch the show for sex scenes. I love the carguments between Steve and Danny and the team working together. Steve is too conflicted over his father at this point to be taking on a serious relationship, he has too much to work out. Steve already has a smarty pants sidekick in Danny. IMO, CBS is making a mistake adding this person.

  8. Thanks for the added video Tiffany! “With all due respect” I’ll have to hold judgement on the addition of the blondie. I mean, how many people does Steve have to knock heads with?? Danny is enough and the new governor seems to want to throw his weight around. I don’t know–hope CBS isn’t going to screw this up.

  9. I hope season 2 will be more explosive, and with more action, not hat the first one did not have those elements, but I hope this one has more drama as well but plizz I dont want the new addition the officer LoriWeston to overpower and over shadow Steve, he is the main guy and the leader of his team, keep it that way. Let Lori be another addtion as the rest of the gang with important roles of course. I love Hawaii 5-0 each time more and more Im hooked on it already. I hope it will ahve many easons in the future and Alex mmmmmm so dreamy handsome and sexy, perfect for the role!!

  10. Wow! Can’t wait to see Season 2 episodes !! Although there is no announcement yet as when the premiere telecast will be, I’m sure within the next 2 months or so Filipinos will have the chance to watch it by then. Maybe a long wait but that makes it more exciting! Many thanks for featuring film clips and photos of the second Season. Love from Manila, Philippines :heart:

    1. Hi Tess. While waiting for the release here in our country, you may download the episodes on http://www.phazeddl.com. Happy to know there are Filipinos out there watching H5O.

  11. I really liked the premiere episode. This second one looks like it will be exciting too. Go
    Alex !!! :love: :heart: :love: :heart: Thanks, Tiffany.

  12. Drop the love interest for Steve. Let Steve lead, everyone will follow, he doesn’t need a “I can everything better then you” female sidekick.

  13. It really is too early to put Steve with a love interest. They have introduced too much back story about his father. And personally I am really pissed at the Producers for bringing in another person, which reduces screen time for the four main characters. If we’re going to keep the nod to the earlier show, McGarrett and the Governor were friends. I don’t see this playing out as a friendly relationship with the new Governor when he puts a person on the team that Steve didn’t choose.

  14. NO!! They can’t get rid of Kono!! She’s the perfect newbie–doing a great job of learning and also teaching the “old dogs new tricks.” The haolie lady is NOT a good fit for 5-O unless they can give her a connection to Hawaii.

  15. I thin Sophia Myles would have been way better in this role – this new one looks harsh and too old for Alex. Just my opinion.

    1. I agree with Sonja. He and Sophia would definitely have more chemistry.

    2. When I saw this actress I immediately thought of Sophia. Their hair color, etc. is similar and I myself think Sophia is the beautiful one. This would have been a perfect time to get Beth and Mick back together. Like I said before, Sophia and Alex – a perfect fit for sure. It’s sad that we never got our Moonlight Movie. If any of you are Nathan Fillion fans, he starred in a series called Firefly. It was cancelled after just one season but the creator Joss Whedon worked hard to see that a movie was made called Serenity so that the fans had some closure when the series ended after just one season….too bad Joel Silver didn’t fight harder for the diehard Moonlight fans!

    3. I agree with you, SonjaMMK. I hope they include Sophia Myles…..

  16. ça me fait trop penser à la rencontre devant le club vallis dans moonlight!!!!mais ça n’a rien à voir avec la chimie entre sophia et alex!!!!!!!
    sophia myles est inoubliable et j’aurais bien aimé la voir rejoindre hawai five o
    je n’arrive pas à aimer voir jouer alex avec une autre femme
    cette nouvelle est banale et pas du tout aussi jolie que sophia ni aussi pétillante!!!!!!!

    1. je pense comme toi…cela ressemble à cette rencontre devant le club vallis (yeap, ils sont en cours d’imagination ?). heureuse de trouver une compatriote et qui a les mêmes idées que moi !!!!!! (et en plus de pouvoir ecrire en français!!!!)

  17. me!!!i want to be part H5O team! I´ll take care of Alex body 24-7!!!! :bandit:

  18. Hoping it’s a good fit. Of course I think of Sophia Myles, another good fit for Mick!

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