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  1. Hmm am realy in luv wit Alex but its so unfortunate we cant alwaz get wat we want.i’l recommend his marriage wit sophia rather dan holly cos sophia nd alex fits beta.i pray i get 2 see alex wit my vry eyes one on one sum day so i can tel him hw handsome nd gorgeous he is.i luv u alex


  3. Just a question. Why would CBS ever cancel such a great series

    as “Moonlight”? Aside from myself, I know many people who were

    very disappointed when the show didn’ t come back last year.

  4. Chiller channel plays “scary” shows. Moonlight will run the first season on Tue. night starting at 8 PM. Will run marathon but this is the first I have heard of it on this channel. November is Vampire month.

  5. I also heard that Moonlight was scheduled to be on the Chiller Channel, as well… What type of programming is on that channel primarily? Does it drawn in a younger audience than say SCI-FI?

    I heard also that Warner Bros is re-releasing the Moonlight DVD but on Blue-Ray very soon… Sounds like WB knows it is still worth the money and that it is still a big selling draw… Warner Bros owns ML outright….

  6. Saxon, Alex’s son from a long past relationship when he was merely a youth, himself, was born when Alex was 21, so this would make his son 13 years old… The bpy lives with his mother in Sydney, AU & she never married Alex… However Alex seems to be a caring father, respects that the mother wants her and Saxon’s life private, but Alex sees him often as he can depending upon his work schedule here in the states…

    Alex said recently in an interview that he plans on going home to AU for the Holidays, which is also summer there… Yes, they celebrate all the Season’s Holidays just as we do, just in shorts & tank tops… So, it is certain Alex will see his son, a very handsome lad who will be a heartthrob in his own right, as his father is, someday, too, whether he follows in his dad’s footsteps or not…

    Alex is split from Holly for about 10 months now & they were never married; IMO I would say it is more, by this length of time, more than “taking a break from each other”…. As far as Sophia is concerned, she played his lady-love on Moonlight but as far as any romantic private life together no one knows & this is good for both since they seem very private people… At any rate, I do hope that Alex, Sophia & Jason Dohring have all remained good friends…

  7. What does ‘ttween boy’ mean and where is OZ? Is his son from a marriege to Holly or Sophia? Also on CHILLER channel they are advertizing a MOONLIGHT marathon in November- Does any one know when?

    1. Tween= 10-13ish years old. Oz is Australia.

  8. O.K. So is Alex married,divorced, how many children does he have? Rumors are all over the place

    1. Amy,

      Alex is single and he has one child.. a tween boy who lives in Oz.

  9. malz,

    This is old news…Alex & Holly split this year around January or February, 2009 after returning from Holidays in AU with family…

    Many fans of Alex felt Holly was shallow & not right for him…thankfully he may have seen the light…Apparently it seems to me that the trouble brewed after she made a movie with Liam Neesom &, I guess, felt she was a “Star”; funny have heard nothing about her since it premiered which soon went to DVD…

    We will, however, continue to hear a great deal about Alex, thank goodness…

    Not certain where you are from, but he is beginning a new TV series in the U.S. to begin in early October, 2009… His new movie will be coming out in January, 2010, with JLo called “The Back-Up Plan & coming September 11th, the long shelved movie, “Whiteout”, makes it long awaited release in the U.S., and may already be in Europe & other places by now or soon…

    Yes, at Alex’s age, he still is led by sensuality it appears, but there are some beautiful woman who can be both that & loving yet still honor the man they are with… Many of us had always saw these qualities in Sophia Myles, but at the time Alex was with Holly, unfortunately…

    1. It is great to hear that the two of them split.

  10. alex you are beautyfool

  11. Hi Elizabeth, Kindra, annette, Alice, & regina bachman,

    Hope you know that there is a poll ongoing over at moonlightline.com under Save Moonlight called DirecTV Poll at that company’s request… They want to be assured of our sincerity toward ML and, since many have stated in correspondence to DirecTV that they would use their service if they assist in financing the new episodes & their costs to be brought to a network which is like 2 million dollars per episode… So Please Go over there, register first onto the MLL site and Please Vote on that Poll… Thanks

    While you are over there, I wanted to tell you that I posted a sub thread as well under Save Moonlight called “Moonlight Investment Group” so please read my defining message and post your comments…. Some people find this favorabe, from when I ran it by them on the DirecTV Poll post, so every comment is appreciated and in the long run cam be beneficial to us all financially….

  12. Hi Kindra,

    Now do not get the idea that Alex has proposed to this Holly, thankfully for all his fans…

    She’s pretty, but far too made-up and she does not have a big following from what I read on the message boards, not really well taken… I read she also acts like “I am the celebrity, I am important” in a suburb of Melbone, AU, called Brighton, where she owns a home…

    Alex seems too sweet a man to be with such a wretch…
    Checked her out on a YouTube clip of the BC, Episode 6 of Moonlight in which she played Lola; the scene was the one of her, Beth, Mick when B&M 1st arrive at the club where the BC can be obtained and I found her performance over-performed, which I believe is considered up-staging…

    I know that Alex had said that his relationship with Sophia was just platonic, so be it… But look at the classic beauty of Sophia, who needs such a little amount of make-up, take a look at her true sweetness (check out a YouTube clip of her on the Craig Fergursen show), then compare the brash, rude,”I Love Me Only” attitude of Holly and there is a vast difference… This is why there is such true romantic chemistry on-screen of the Sophia and Alex team, because both of them has genuine inner-beauty that comes through in their acting…

    Alex, in an interview, once described Holly as a “sex symbol”, so from that I see Alex is infatuated merely with that and the sexual they are now sharing… I think this is some fantasy some men must go through and hopefully he will overcome it as one cannot base a marriage mearly on sex…

    Holly loves Holly, not anyone else… I can say I feel she is using Alex, who has a career heading for making himself a much wanted actor in demand, so she will hang until she gets somewhere or leaves to head in another direction… You can say they have been together approximately 2 years; having been living a long time amount of years w/o sign of getting married means nothing… In my youth, during the free-spirited 60s, this was known as “shacking up”, well it certainly saves on the costs of living these days…

    To answer your question:
    Holly said in a statement to a reporter, I presume it had to do with “if they would marry”:

    “If he asked me,he’d be lucky if I would marry him”

    Kindra, anyway you look at it and from whatever culture or country you are from, THIS IS NOT HOW YOU SAY YOU LOVE SOMEONE, IT MEANS YOU DON’T!!!!!

    Teasing one another in private in such a way, is also one thing, but to publically come out and say such a statement is definitely rude of the little witch, as well as, an insult to Alex, truly slapping him verbally in the face…

    I hope, sincerely, that Alex never takes their relationship that far for it would prove a disaster for him and to his career…

    Believe me, if a man said that in public about me, I would be walking out of his life through the nearest exit; I surely would not be placating him with trips to Mexico or letting him ever appear in public with me again, especially greedily taking up the camera space with me…

    1. Holly Vallance is a stuck up who wants everythign her own way. I met her in Ballarat at a nightclub .

  13. Pat, what did Holly say about her marriage to Alex?

  14. I say as long as Alex is happy!

  15. There is new info over at the “The Fight for Moonlight” board here on this site and I am notifying all the boards just incase you are not signed up to get notification of all…
    The news is from Lesser of moonlightline.com who I spoke personally with this AM via phone… she is the one with contact to the Moonlight “family”; not that are not all, but I am speaking about the persons who bring us the show…

  16. And he is genuine, not sure about Holly I fear to say. Head on over to imdb.com and look her up there(may start at Alex’s page there and check his message boards), then read her blog on MySpace and the comments that it aroused. I’d say she has riled some people, not to mention appears self-absorbed in her own comment about a marriage to Alex.

  17. they have been together since they met in 2006. I think they are great together. They are both gorgous and sexy.

  18. They are a beautiful couple, i heard they are together for a long time. Nice to know. Good luck in everything for both of you. Bay Shore LI NY

  19. Hi,
    Is it possible to tell me what you mean by “long time girlfriend “?

    Thank you,

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