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  1. what are you talking about Tish Shall we dance made more : $170M Worldwide § that pretty big for a comedy one of Jlo and Richard biggest success.

  2. I decided to check out the posters for Hugh Jackman before he became really famous. Leopold had both Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman in the poster nearly cheek to cheek. His other film with Ashley Judd only has Ashley Judd on the poster with Jackman’s name last. It is possible that they will only have Jennifer Lopez on the final poster when it comes out. I hope that it will be more like the Leopold poster and have both Alex and Jennifer thisclose.


    Apparently there is a progression with these posters. If you look at Hugh Jackman’s posters, his prominence progresses until he is front and center in the 2009 X-Men Origins. I see both sides of the argument, both Tish’s and Tiffany’s side. Tish is right about Moonlight’s in-house fighting. That had a lot to do with it’s cancellation. Tiffany’s right about paying dues. Yes, there will be push and pulls in Hollywood; there is no one you can trust fully (just ask Heather Locklear, her husband taken by her best friend Denise Richards).

    1. Anyway good representation is hard to come by, many A-listers go with Creative Artists Agency (CAA). CAA will try to entice an A-lister from another agency. But I guess you have to be an A-lister to get that kind of treatment. Paris Hilton got booted from a CAA party Jan. 2009.


  3. Tiffany, that is your opinion of what facts, not assumptions I am stating…In mo fashion have I ever called Alex inept…I am telling you that he is a genuinely sweet person, that does not make him inept…I am also reminding you that Alex hails from a much different culture than our own, and one that, I feel, in my contact with some Aussies, is that they, for the most part, are all very jovial, loving people as well as pretty trusting individuals…

    I am not referring to anyone here on AOLO as I have some friends, other than our Aussie Sisters who post here, that I correspond with daily… I have not come across anyone from there who is not of this nature…

  4. I’m terribly sorry Tiffany but I feel I must differ with you on this information…I grew up in a time when starlets & young actors made top billing over well known stars because it was the younger group of actors who drew in the crowds, not the so-called stars… James Dean was a nobody when he made movies like “East of Eden”, “Giant”, and “Rebel Without A Cause”, but he got top billing for those movies because he drew in the crowds… Troy Donahue & Connie Stevens got top billing over the likes of Karl Malden & Claudette Colbert, veteran stars with more expertise, for “Parrish”… Troy also got top billing over Richard Egan & Dorothy McGuire when he co-starred with Sandra Dee, a Bayonne girl whose Mom & my Mom knew each other & went to school together, in “A Summer’s Place”… So it does not make sense to claim that an actor must make several movies before they get star billing…

    And as for being well known, I think Alex’s name spans several continents for his role as Mick St John in Moonlight, not counting his Australian acting days for certain some of his roles probably reached England, which AU is under, and other European nations… Did it not this occur to anyone when it was Alex doing most of the promoting of Moonlight in continents abroad? So he is already a known star… If fans, especially female fans, go to see this movie it will be to see Alex, not JLo, I can guarantee that…she is not well liked except perhaps by Latino fans, who called Alex “What’s His Name” which was rude and insulting in anyway you one views it…

    I have been a Richard Gere fan for many years… I love the man’s charisma and acting…However I did not go to see “Shall We Dance” because I knew it would not draw all the crowds is should not because of Gere but due to JLo being his co-star in it… Shortly after it made the Big Screen it went to DVD, & although the comback will be because DVDs reach more people than fans paying high prices at the theaters…IMO it is because JLo did not have the chemistry as some of Gere’s other female leads like Julia Ormond in “First Knight” (yep the same Julia Ormond who CBS let go from Three Rivers and who in “First Knight” had not a bit of diction problems in her speech), Diane Lane in “Unfaithful” & “Nights in Rodanthe” & one other one with Lane which name escapes me presently, &, of course, an all-time favorite, “Pretty Woman” with Julia Roberts, also “Runaway Bride” with Roberts… And least we not forget the Winning movie where Gere strutted his song and dance abilities in “Chicago” with Catherine Zeta Jones.
    I feel that “Back -Up Plan” will also meet the fate of DVD due to the same draw reason of JLo that befell “Shall We Dance”…

    And, no, having fans with our combined attitudes will not make Alex look like a Diva but an actor who has a great bunch of fans who believe in him & do not want his career spoiled by shoddy handling…

    1. Tish you paint Alex to be a huge victim. I am surprised the man can tie his shoes with how inept he is at hiring people to manage his career and trusting people who are ALL out to get him. I for one will give him more credit then that.

  5. Tish, I know you won’t want to hear this but Alex is not the star. JLo is. She is an American movie star who has earned her top billing spot. This is Alex’s first starring role in a US film… and thus he has to work his way up the same way she did. MOST of the movie going US would look at his name on the poster and say “Who is that?” From a business standpoint it makes sense to highlight your star player, JLo.

    She is the star and she deserves the spot. I just hope that he can use her stardom to leverage his own. When he becomes a household name like JLo is then he can rightly expect that movie posters will include his name front and center. He has to earn his way just like anyone else and I am sure he and his agent and manager are aware of this.

    If this were his 5th lead role in a major US production and they hadn’t bothered to put his name on the teaser poster… then we could rightly be worried. This is his first time out of the gate, I think you are expecting to much. Having fans with that attitude will make Alex look like the diva.

  6. IS Barbara & Barbara S one and the same?

    As far as being protective of Alex, I feel many of us have developed that emotion when it comes to this very special person/actor… He has such a genuine sweetness about him that I worry he is/will be taken advantage of due to his genuine nature in the Cut-Throat Jungle called Tinseltown/aka, Hollywood…

    I am so ticked, so hot right now, that, if I were a canine I would be frothing at the mouth in rabid-like fashion… The nerve, the unmitigated Gaul of Paramount /aka CBS & JLo’s associates, including herself , to totally not include Alex’s name on that Back-Up Poster…I will be repetitive & say, CBS, IMO, as well as the opinion of any intelligent person posting here, is not helping Alex’s career; they are messing with it to ruination… For some reason one of those big wigs over at that network (& we all know who mostly that will be) will cancel Three Rivers before it gets good footing, mark my words, it is their pattern…If it weren’t Alex’s name would be on that poster instead of just JLo’s…And it is the fault of the agent that is based at Paramount who probably was assigned to Alex by NT, not of Alex’s own choosing…If this agent were any good, he would have made certain that this degrade did not happen to the Co-Star, Alex, (meaning both should have top billing) of Back-Up Plan was not slighted like this…

    And to state truthfully why Alex’s other TV series, Moonlight, was cancelled, had nothing to do with the ratings at all… Les Monvees (NY Head of CBS) & Joel Silver had argumentative words of how Moonlight should continue… Now may I remind you all that Moonlight was Joel’s baby, not anyone connected with CBS’s… So the Major Pouters, NT & LM, pulled Moonlight for good..how utterly childish of this dumb, irrational network…

    1. Well I just noticed this. I keep all these emails from Tiffany in a separate folder and I refer to them from time to time. Yes Tish Barbara & Barbara S, are the same. I decided to distinguish myself a little better when Barbara Leb…started posting so we wouldn’t get confused. Hope that clears it up for you.

  7. Natalie, I could not have said that better myself…She is a known Diva among some of her traits…

  8. Alex’s hair seems tobe getting a little longer and more bushy. What a love he is.

  9. Well it took me a minute to go over there and look at those photos. I knoww its irrational but for some reason, maybe because of her history It burns me up to see her with him. I know, I know they are just working together but my imagination gets the better of me. I am definitely going to see the movie just to see how she is with him. It is absolutely crazy but I feel very protective of him.

    1. We’re all protective of him. I feel the same way. Almost feel as though I would get mad at her if she pulled a diva thing on him. He is so sweet and being an Aussie, it’s a different culture, I feel there’s almost naiveté about him as far as Hollywood is concern. I want him to do well and not get used like so many actors before him.

      1. You know this is the first time ever that I have felt this way about any celebrity. Alex is just special to me. I just would love to see him soar to new heights and have all the success he can attain. I think he really deserves that. He has a really special gift and that’s evident by the feelings he invokes in all of us just watching him. And any “She-Wolf” that may try to devour him is definitely on my “S” list.

  10. This is really about the debut of ” Three Rivers”. It was the last week in Sept. 2007, on a Friday night , that ” Moonlight” debuted. I emailed friends: ” You’ve got to see this show!!
    Book me a ticket to Aussie-land if they’re all like Alex! It wasn’t until about December that viewing for ” Moonlight” skyrocketed. SO…. Let’s make this “Three Rivers” premiere show have phenomenal ratings!!!!!
    Wonder if the JoLo- Alex movie will come out at the same time. You’d think that CBS has a schedule set already since both are their productions.

  11. Thank you so much!

  12. They seem really friendly now, in the picture they’re not even filming but they’ still stand really close to each other

  13. Sorry, I keep forgetting the link:


    The photos are in sequence and Alex is wiping down Jennifer Lopez. Sweet.

  14. Photos now in sequence of the dinner. You can see the fire in the last photo. Looks like a funny scene.

  15. Thanks for the pics of Alex and what he’s up to…

  16. Thank you for more Alex.

  17. I burst into laughter when I read about Alex’s character spilling red wine (it does not come out) on JLo’s pregnant character’s dress… No, I was not being nasty by laughing…It brought back a momorable story I was told by my Mom that my father took her out for an nice quiet Italian meal in a favorite restaurant… She had on a brand new aqua colored maternity outfit… My Dad slid his hand across the table to touch hers &, in doing so, Plop, he topple a plate of spaghetti onto her lap, ruining the new outfit…Back in those days, fabrics were not what they are today, so the outfit was unsavable…

    Makes me wonder if all men are clutz around pregnant women?

  18. Thanks for the beautiful photos

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