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  1. hi thanks i will watch the cilp right now i cant wait to it comes on tv i just love alex heis so hot

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    I just cannot wait until this comes on. A dream come true!!!!! Saw the BackUp Plan with my hubby and I must say I do have the best and most understanding one when it comes to Alex. He went to the Theatre manager where we went to see BUP and got the original poster for it and surprised me the next day.aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    What a guy!!!
    Alex Solidarity……………………Rah………………….Rah………………….Rah

  3. I have seen The backup plan like a million times…can’t get enough, i just love the guy…i’m so proud of him…we love u Alex!

  4. I hope all us Alex fans realize how lucky we are to have someone like Tiffany to give us updates on Alex’s day to day dramas. I am a few decades old and this woud have been impossible to do even 10 years ago. Makes me seem part of his daily life and a real treat to see him so often in almost “real time” even though this fall seems far away, times goes fast and he’ll be here in no time. Showing all these doubters (thanks JLo for giving him a part in your movie,thanks CBS for releasing the unseen last 3 Rivers shows, and CW for giving him a summer re-run…although I’ve watched the DVD so much I know almost all the lines!
    Thanks, Tiffany we appreciate it. Love to Alex, Suzanne his Forever Fan

    1. Thanks Suzanne! Alex has the best fans!

  5. Thank you Tiffany!!

  6. This clip looks great. Even with Alex’s few lines, he showed those little nuances and spark that he gives to every role. I am so looking forward to the Fall. You Go Alex !!!

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    Oh, boy, this is such a tease. Thank goodness we have Alex in ML and on Three Rivers for the next month or so….to tide us over. Sept seems so far off and we are all champing at the bit for this new H50 series. You guys are all so right…the chemistry, the action, the excitement all seem to be there to make a great new hit. Go Alex.

  8. Mr. McGarrett is a bit of a hot head and I like it too! Alex is so gorgeous. H5O is going to be a big hit and Alex is perfect for the role! Thanks Tiffany.

  9. I could not at this stage imagine that this drama will be the biggest, best new thing on TV!! Alex can act his way through anything and although I watched 3 Rivers, I knew they didn’t give him the chance to really be his dramatic charismatic self and his fellow actors didn’t help any. Has to be excitement and great acting to make a memorable tV show. You go Alex! Love Your Forever Fan Suzanne

  10. My grandma LOVED hawaii five o back in the day and she didnt even speak english. I think she had a thing for McGarrett. I guess its my turn now. Wouldnt want to break the tradition..;) Love Alex!! xoxoxo

  11. I can’t wait for Fall to see Alex’s new show — I think the 3 guys are going to be so cool with each other from just the looks of this little clip from the pilot.

  12. Thank you Tiffany, I look at the site everyday to see new up dates. Love it. Have a great weekend.

  13. More, more, more, please. Alex is gorgeious as usual, but i think Danno and he will make a yummt team. Will the fall season ever get here???????

  14. The more I see clips from this new show the more excited I get! The actors seem well connected and the chemistry looks amazing. Alex is more than just a handsome face, has depth and emotion to tackle any situation. I look forward to seeing this new show and I am hoping for a smash hit for these talented people. I used to watch the original series but have to say this looks even better!!

  15. Me, too. The more I see of it the more I want. It looks like it could be a hit. The characters look good together. The picture of Alex with blood on his face looks painful. Makes we want to clean him up and heal with little kisses. Guess I got it bad. But seriously, can’t wait until this fall.

  16. I am looking forward to this remake of Hawaii Five-O. I saw some of the original series actually filmed when I lived in Hawaii (thanks to the Army) and I loved the actors then. I think all three actors will bring a good spin to what the original actors did. My biggest leap with the new series is the character playing the Kono part. LOL

    1. Hi Cylb! I lived in Hawaii during the original 5-O days too (early 1970’s). Jack Lord was a recluse–never appeared in public. Not even charity events. Hope that doesn’t happen with Alex. If the series is a go, he will have to move to Hawaii. Guess I’ll have to visit the Islands more often!! 😉

  17. These little snippets and excerpts just whet my appetite for the real thing. The more I see, the more I want to see. Hopefully its affecting everyone else the same way and premiere night will be a ratings “Home Run”. I can hardly wait. Go Alex!!!

  18. I am so excited to see Alex in the Fall. To bad we can’t just jump to it. I guess I am to be patient as the rest of the fans. I too was a big fan of the original as well. I used to watch with my dad but he has now passed on.

  19. I can not wait for Hawaii Five-O. Alex is so hot! I was a fan of the original and I know that this one will be even better.

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