Some More Pics Of Alex O’Loughlin At SOTB


Since there  are lots and lots of pics that have popped up over the last few days it would be unrealistic to share them all here so we will add some of our favorites below and then add the rest to the gallery and Facebook.

We have also included a couple taken for us by Precious Houston who was working the event that night and was taking pics for us. Unfortunately because she was working more than expected (kind of like what happened with Billy V on a MUCH smaller scale), she was not able to get many and the majority of them were not of Alex. We will share the few including him here and the rest iof the others n her small write up about the event that she shared with us in a separate post.


alex oloughlin on screen at sotb alex oloughlin on screen at sotb alex oloughlin on screen at sotb

Credit AOLO via Precious Houston


Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB

Credit Christine Ocampo FB


Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB

Credit Hawaii News Now


Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB

Credit Hawaii News Now


Alex OLoughlin SOTB
Alex OLoughlin SOTB

Credit Shaka KIdz Foundation


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB
Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit NinjAloha50


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB
Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit Billy Bogoeski IG


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit Gonefishin1 IG


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit Bruce Asato IG


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit Getty Images


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit chiranubTwitter


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit Christine Witttmier


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit Clauralcon7


Alex O'Loughlin SOTB

Credit mrpastran IG


Also remember there are more that we added right after the event here, we added all the videos  here, and we will continue to add pics to the gallery and the FB pages.

Do you have a favorite pic of the night? We do.




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